An Alpha's Revenge (Part 14)

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"You can't kill him. This is about Arthit." With reluctance his mother allowed him to go inside where his father and Aim's father held burning red melted silver that had been melting under a fire and then poured it on the wolf. It burned past his skin as though it was nothing but air. He screamed in pain and agony. 

"Why come here? Your master knew that this would be dangerous?" The other wolf was already completely mauled. It was clear that he had a battle and despite putting up a good fight he had lost. Half his face was oozing in blood and his left eye was completely gone. What was strange was the fact that he was not healing. He looked completely... human. 

"This one doesn't transform anymore. His healing is not like ours either. I cannot sense his wolf." Aim's father Black spoke. The man that was tied to a chair laughed. 

"Our King gives us strength but there is a price that we pay. We can only shift with his power and lose our wolfs without him."

"How is that possible?" King Suthiluck questioned. 

"Dark Magic. I've heard rumors about this, years ago from old tales but I've never seen it" Black spoke up. The look in his eyes was that of both fear and wonder. The other wolf laughed weakly.

"You have only won because our King has allowed you to do so for now."

"What is this game that is being played? Why do you come after MY mate." Kongpob and Moon both spoke. The man began to laugh. 

"Your mate?... Did your mate not abandon you?... Every surrounding Clan speaks of the little Omega you have enslaved."

"I did not-!"

"They speak of how you mistreat him. There are rumors that you rape him and beat him every single night. Punishing him for his brother's sins. You have had your fill of the little pest. No matter what you do that mate of yours will never come back to you. Our King has the force to submit that Omega fully. Something you have not been capable of doing. It is time a real Alpha takes him off your hands so the little mongrel can fulfill the duties he was created for." 

Angry Kongpob and Moon both raised their fists ready to attack him for his filthy words. How dare anyone covet Arthit for such cruel intentions. Both his father and Black had to hold him back as the other man laughed through his pain. Suddenly a black mist began to surround the bleeding wolf man causing everyone to take a step back in caution. His eyes became pitch black. He did not become untied but it was as though he became a puppet. His body stopped bleeding and all the wounds at once healed. There was a smirk on his face.

"Do you care for him cursed one?" The voice had suddenly become darker an echo sounded in his voice as he spoke. The air itself appeared to shiver with his words. Evil had arrived. 

"Do not make me laugh. I will have him for the purpose that you are not man enough to use him for."

"I will never let you take him. Arthit is his own person and you have no-" Laughter filled the room before the other wolf spoke. 

"Person? He will be my breeding dog. Only when he has fulfilled his purpose and has given me the heir to My Kingdom shall I return him." Kongpob's heart squeezed. 

"Don't you dare touch him you-"

"Acheron. King of Darkness. Leader of the Red Moon Clan. Where I pass there shall always be a trail of blood to write my name in. I am your God."

"The Moon Goddess is our only God." King Suthiluck spat out and the man smirked. 

"If I cannot be your God or your king then you will meet the same fate as the others who did not bow to me. But do not fret cursed one. I have kept the little lamb under your eyes. What's the fun without the chase? This is my last and final warning. Next time I shall come for him you will not get him back. Unless you'd like his ashes." Once again dark mist surrounds the body leaving it and with it killing the wolf's body instantly as it succumbed to its wounds that began to bleed once more with such a force it was as though the entire body had drained and there was now a river of blood. 

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