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Chapter One:
New Beginnings

Sakina Joelle DavidsonNew York City, New York

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Sakina Joelle Davidson
New York City, New York

Sakina kissed her teeth as she tried to look for parking, Columbia University never had any parking near the law section. She'd only started coming here a week ago and she was already sick of the lack of parking, especially since she was pretty early too.

Trying to be slick or smart didn't work because everybody over here was already two steps ahead, she had a love-hate relationship with the college.

Finally finding a parking space, Sakina began driving towards it as a smile graced her face. She'd been looking for so long and it was aggravating, she was almost late to her lecture.

As she drove towards the slot, a car sped and slipped into her spot. Sakina's jaw dropped the floor as she watched the person step out of the cat and lock their car, without a single care in the world. As if she hadn't been looking for that slot for a good 20 minutes.

Stopping her car, Sakina stepped out and rushed over to the person before they walked off. She tapped their shoulder and waited until they turned around before she began talking;

"I was going for that slot, what you did wasn't it at all." Sakina said to the person, trying to word it as nicely as she could.

Although her rage was somewhat blinding her, she still acknowledged their attractiveness.

In front of Sakina stood a tall woman, she estimated that she was 5'11 in height, which was way taller than herself. Her hair was in blond twists and she had a beanie on her head. From the thick, pinkish lips to her nose piercing. The woman was attractive but that wasn't important.

"My bad but I'm in a rush." She said, her black eyes staring blankly at Sakina, who was looking at her expectantly.

"You'on think I'm in a rush?" Sakina asked, letting some of her anger take over. She was slowly running out of patience since the person didn't even seem slightly remorseful.

"Clearly not, shawty. You was driving hella slow." She replied before she pulled up her black jeans, which simply sagged back down.

Sakina pulled the openings of her coat closer to her chest and crossed her arms as she stared at the person in front of her. The audacity to say that to her when they knew very well that she trying to get to the parking slot.

"So I gotta speed just to get some parking space?" She asked, staring harshly at the woman in front of her, who simply looked unfazed.

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