Chapter 143 - Uncle Giddy

Start from the beginning

"Do I have another daddy too?"

'Daddy...' Gideon thought about the term. It was commonly used by spoiled noble children in the Taron Kingdom but seeing Raegan was being spoiled by Pier nonstop, he thought the term was quite fitting.

"Sadly, no. You do not have another daddy like King Pier. There is no one like him in the world, Raegan," He spoke and started heading outside the palace where it was now the season of fall.

The winter finally ended and even though cold winds still blew as it was the natural environment in the Mir Mountains, it was far less chilly than what they had weeks ago.

"I see... but are you like my father too, uncle because you said you are my second father?" The small creature inquired for the nth time and Gideon laughed.

"Well, I am not as powerful as your father, Raegan, but we do share some unique traits too!" The voice he gave Raegan was similar to that of a child's as well.

Gideon had been working in an orphanage ever since House Woodlock fell on the hands of other noble households and so, he learned how to interact with children.

Raegan was just like them. Asking many questions and curious about the world.

"Wow! Can you tell me what those unique traits are, uncle?" Raegan was slowly starting to get invested with Gideon's words and that pleased the knight.

"Well... There is only one person we will follow and serve in our entire lives and that is His Royal Majesty, King Pier," He scratched the back of Raegan's ear and the dragon stretched his paws at the sensation of his ears being scratched.

"We are also completely devoted towards your dad and promise not to look for anyone else," He continued which perked Raegan's interest.

"Father always says he loves dad, uncle. Do you love dad too?"

Gideon paused his actions when the child asked about the question. His eyes scanning the entirety of the Mir Mountains from the place where the palace is situated.

It was beautiful.

He had always been here in the Mir Mountains for months now but it was his first time appreciating the beautiful view since all he did was train himself to become stronger.

Deciding he finally had the answer to the dragon's question, Gideon sat on the field of soft grass and continued to caress Raegan's ear.

"I have a story, Raegan, do you want to listen? It is about your dad," He started and of course, Raegan wants to learn everything about his dad so he agreed.


"Haha! Well then, let me start with your dad's life in the previous place we lived in," Gideon took out more berries for Raegan and the dragon happily munched on them.

"You see, King Pier was surrounded by so many bad guys. They were always hurting him and making King Pier cry and angry."

Right when Raegan heard the statement, his ears perched and he glared in particularly no one.

He hated hearing the word 'bad guys' and 'angry' especially when it involved his dad.

"But King Pier is very very very smart, just like you, Raegan. He always finds ways to defeat the bad guys and is always calm even when angry," A small smile made its way on Gideon's face when he remembered the moments Pier would always mock nobles of different rankings.

"Yes! Dad and I are smart smart!" Raegan commented.

"Of course. But unfortunately, the bad guys did something very bad to King Pier. Even though your dad saved them many times and helped them too, they still hurt him," Gideon's eyebrows also furrowed when he remembered the moment Pier would look hurt days after he moved to the Mir Mountains.

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