"Jeez, don't run off like that." He appears by your side, his chest rising and lowering, as he appeared to be breathing hard.

"I didn't run that far, Natsu.." You trail, feeling worried. 'Natsu doesn't look like he's acting..Why is he so tired?'

"That's why I need to go train." He wiped his arm across his mouth, smiling gently.

"Oh." You turn away, looking over at the large rides, letting the exhilaration chase away your worries.

"Which one you wanna go on first?" You ask, intertwining your fingers between his. He paused for a moment, his other hand in his pocket.

"Go-Carts?" He grinned, pulling you towards a ring. You laugh, obtaining strange looks from the people nearby. "If you're prepared to lose."

He rolled his eyes. "I'll beat you any day."


"I thought you said you would beat me any day." You raise your eyebrow, looking at Natsu.

He was curled up on the bench, muttering words to himself. "I forgot about my motion-sickness."

"You idiot!"

You sit down next to him, resting your head on his shoulder. "You're an idiot." You repeat, your eyes watering.


"(Y/N)?" Natsu questions, his eyes peeking out from under his bangs. He worriedly looks at you, but stands up, still dizzy.

He grabs your hand, and leads you away.

You didn't want the idiot to leave for training. You didn't want this idiot to leave. He needed you. You needed him.

Soon, you felt something cool touch your legs. You raise your head, looking around. You were sitting in the Ferris wheel's basket seat.

"Now tell me. What's wrong?" Natsu leans forward, his legs touching yours. You turn slightly pink at his touch.

"I..don't want you to leave me. I just don't want you to leave." You repeat, your tears falling freely.

"Don't leave me..don't leave me for Lucy.." You stare up at his face, your vision so blurry, you could barely make out his expression.

'Oh, shit. I said it.' You clapped your hand over your mouth. You hurry to say something else, but Natsu looked at you, and opened his mouth to speak.

"I'd never leave you..." His face softened, and he touched your cheek. You rake a hand through your long hair, tangling it between your fingers.

"So it was about Lucy, huh..?" His expression becomes distant. "I always thought Lucy and I would be together, actually." He whispered. "Soulmates.."

A sharp pain stung your chest.

'He what?'

"But then I met you when I was running through the shop. I actually went there to buy a gift for Lucy." He chuckled. "Maybe Fate was setting me up."

You turn your gaze out the window. 'Looking at him hurts.' By now, you had almost reached the top. It felt like eternity.

"When I saw you, I thought my heart was going to stop. Well, not at first. But gradually..y'know.." He stopped talking, and averted his gaze when you turned back to look at him.

You stayed quiet. Silently, you urged him to continue. He got the message when you put your hand over his.

"I was so..damn confused. My heart pointed towards you, but my mind went towards Lucy."

You silently bask in the warmth of the sun, gazing at Natsu's features. He had closed his eyes, and you could clearly see his long lashes. His hair had turned a soft pink from the sun, and his cheeks were tainted pink.

"Are you going to pay for me being confused?"

You lazily open one eye, and jump in surprise when you see Natsu's body in-front of you, cornering you in the corner of the Ferris basket.

"Natsu?" You gently try to push him away. No such luck. He doesn't budge, and stares straight at you, his eyes burning with passion.

"W-what.." You turn bright red, and you feel as if your ears were on fire. Your eyes dash all around, trying not to focus on Natsu.

He comes even closer, gaining a sharp intake of air from you. "Na-!" You were cut off when he came even closer, setting his forehead against yours.

He gently leaned forward, setting his on-fire lips on yours. His fingers somehow had linked themselves in your hair, as your wide eyes stared at him. Finally, you closed your eyes, and kissed him back. As sweetly as you could.

His hands came into contact with yours, and he gripped your hands, your fingers touching against his.

He pulled away first. He stared straight at you, his lips slightly parted. Then, he sat on your side, sighing.

You look at him, questions swimming in your eyes. "Natsu?" You whisper, touching his cheek.

First, you heard laughs.

"I'm no match for you."


"Oi, look at this!"

You roll your eyes playfully. "My name isn't Oi..." You look at him, nevertheless. He points at the man holding a sign: 'Kiss someone, and win a prize!!'

"No." You immediately say, walking away. "Wait!" Natsu grabs your arm, as you try to squirm away from him.

"Not in public!" You hiss, your ears red. "Why?" He playfully asked. "Even after we had that steamy session in the Ferris wheel?"

You stare at him. "Did Gray teach you those words?"

He nodded, flashing a smile. "So..?" He asked, his hand still on your arm. "No." You try to worm away, again.

"Try to escape, and I'll never give you goodnight kisses."

You froze, and look back at him, your eyes wide. 'He looks serious enough. Why does he want to win a prize so bad? He's won all the other booths.'

You look over to his tall (and growing) pile of toys and plushy pillows. And you turned back to reply. But Natsu was talking to the man holding the sign.

After a while, he came back. "So?" He asked. You lean forwards, your lips barely brushing yours. "There!" You straightened, and gave the man a questioning look. He shook his head.

Then, Natsu grinned. "He wants a showy one." Then, he flung your arms around his neck, and placed his hands around your hips.

Then with one quick motion, your world turned upside-down, and he gave you a gentle, sweet, slow kiss.

With one move, your vision turned normal. You soon heard claps, and your eyes widened, and you found yourself staring at a crowd.

"We're quite the couple, aren't we, love?" Natsu imitated a British accent, his eyebrow raised, as he asked the man for a prize.

You were still in a daze. 'Was that a dip kiss?'

When something small and sharp plopped into your hands, your eyes widened. "A tiara?" You ask, laughing.

The crowd had dispersed. "Perfect for a princess like you, huh?" He grinned, his eyes widening at the cheesy line. "Oops." He muttered sheepishly.

He took the plastic tiara in his hands, and placed it on your head. The gems shone brilliantly in the shining sun. Then, he stepped back to look at you.

His eyes scanned yours, and he looked hopeful. You burst into a smile. "You're a silly prince." And you link your arm through his.

He lead you away. "But I'm your prince." He winked perfectly.

Can't Help It ; NatsuWhere stories live. Discover now