Chapter 140 - Raegan Linnaeus (2)

Start from the beginning

Soon, a series of nets and capturing devices were thrown in his direction.

"Dad hates you. I will destroy you!" He glared at the nets and shot another concentrated into the ones that were coming close to him.

Each time his spells hit the nets, it exploded and the sheer force alone was enough to shake the ground.

"CALL THE MAGES! THE DRAGON DOES NOT MOVE FROM ITS SPOT!" They instructed and the humans started to run again.

'You need to destroy everything I say or else I will leave you in the wild where you will die in hunger!'

Grinding his teeth, Raegan formed another concentrated energy and was ready to shoot it the last two remaining forts.


But before the dragon could release his spell, a huge chain made out of magic quickly shot in his way.

Raegan's eyes widened when he saw the approaching spell.

He remembered the time he was chained because he could not cast an attack. He was starved and forced to sleep on the cold hard floor where he got sick for days.

The flashes of memories inside the dragon's head made his anger boil.

"DIE!" Raegan screamed in return and instead shot the spell of chains.


The two spells collided and Raegan panted in exhaustion.

There was a limit as to what he can do since he was still young but he wanted to do this. He wanted to destroy the humans his newly found parents.

"Dad..." He trailed off when his memories returned to the first time he met the white-haired king.

"D-Dad had been standing there waiting for me to attack him!" The young dragon wanted to cry. He wanted to lash out.

But despite him attacking Pier, Raegan remembered how instead of focusing on him, his dad turned to defeat the beastmaster controlling him.

He remembered how his dad cradled him in his arms and gave warmth until Raegan lost consciousness after fighting an extremely powerful bird.

"D-Dad saved me... I will destroy you for him!" He opened his mouth again to cast another concentrated spell when the human mages standing on the forts were able to cast their spells first.

Raegan's eyes widened when he saw the approaching chains once more but he could not give up right now.

He can't return to his father and speak of his failures in destroying the city!

Glaring at the approaching chains, Raegan shortened and lessened the amount of magic inserted in his little shining orb and shot it towards the spell.

The two collided once more and a huge explosion happened.

The ground shattered and the land trembled in front of the young dragon's rage.

"DEFEAT THE DRAGON! THE INVADERS ARE COMING FAST!" The humans started to gather together and more force added to the power they held.

"Maybe dad will not cry when I destroy the city for him..." Raegan lowered his head while still staying in his position.

The young dragon was taught how to attack but he wasn't fully knowledgeable about how to move around the battlefield. Thus, Raegan's passiveness in moving and avoiding the nets.

He just kept on attacking the incoming spells and slowly, the young dragon's stamina was being consumed.


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