-Chapter Sixty Eight (Justin's POV)

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Everything happened so fast.

I was at a meeting about an hour out of the city when I received a call from a very hysterical Cara. She sounded like she was panicking and struggling to get a grip on the situation.

I couldn't make out exactly what she was saying but all I heard was "Lerato" and "labour". Those words alone were enough to make my blood run cold.

Wasn't she due a month from now? I must have the memory of a goldfish if I can't remember her due date. All I kept thinking about was how I should have worked from home that way I could've been there when her water broke. I was getting antsy and couldn't wait for the meeting to wrap up. I called an employee of mine to come stand in for me for the meetingbut I had to be here until he got here.

Five agonizing minutes of waiting I decided to call it quits. "I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen but I have to go. I'm about to become a father in a few hours." I announced proudly.

The board members were more than happy to postpone the meeting, wishing me good luck.

The drive to the city has never been that long. I kept thinking if Candy was okay, if our babies were okay. What was the reason for the early labour? Does this mean she's in danger or our babies maybe?

I was driving myself crazy with worry and the fact that Cara wasn't answering any of my calls wasn't helping. The last text she sent me was to let me know that Cara was going to St. Jeremiah Hospital instead of Dr Morgan's clinic as per Dr Morgan's orders and that was it. That was an hour and fifteen minutes ago.

There was also a creeping thought of whether or not I would make a good father. Would I disappoint them like I did to their mother? Lerato keeps trying to convince me that I'll be a great father and I have hope but things are unpredictable, we're talking about small human beings that I will be full on responsible for. I have never felt such anxiety, stress, worry, excitement and happiness all at once.

My father was a great role model growing up. He taught me everything about life's ups and downs. He shied away from stereotypes and taught me to be open minded and how to stay focused. He showed me a father's love and was always there for me, he still is. I hope I'll be half of a man he is to my children.

I finally arrived at the hospital and rushed through the doors. I was immediately directed to where Candy was. I was relieved to see that she was still in labour. I wouldn't want my kids coming into the world without their father by their mother's side. I wanted the full on experience.

Candy kept apologizing throughout the whole process but it was probably the medicine and labour pains speaking.

When the quads came into the world it was the most precious moment one could ever experience. The immediate love and need to protect them overwhelmed me. They were all so tiny and vulnerable. They were also the most beautiful babies I've ever seen, no doubt they took that from Candy.

Everything was fine for a few seconds after all the babies were delivered but then everything changed drastically.

Candy and I were talking for a second and the next thing the machines were going crazy. Dr Morgan was yelling orders and all the babies began to cry.

"Sir please follow me." A nurse told me.

"No, what's happening to my wife? I'm not leaving her." I said holding onto her hand trying to squeeze it back to life but her eyes remained closed and her body unmoving.

"Sir please let them do their job." She said and I hesitantly let go of her hand. I heard another machine go off behind me and turned around.

"Help! My son needs help!" I yelled as I looked at the machine go crazy. What was happening? Dr Morgan said everything would be fine. She said the babies were healthy and so was Lerato what the hell was going on.

"Nurse, I need you to get everyone who is a gynae and a pediatrician in here immediately! I mean everyone! And someone get Mr Hudson out of here." Dr Morgan said.

"Wait no! Someone tell me what is happening!" I yelled as I was dragged out of the theater room. I was met with doctors and nurses washing up before entering the theater.

I stepped away from the door and bumped into Emerald. "Em, please tell me what's happening." I pleaded.

"It's bad Justin. You need to pray." Was all she said before rushing inside too.

The air was knocked out of me. I stumbled back clawing at the wall trying to catch my breath. It was so chaotic people running in and out of theater and I wasn't told anything.

"Justin?" I heard a voice call out. I hadn't realised I'd sunk to the cold tiled floors until I had to look up at the person.

"Justin, my daughter, my grandchildren..." She started then choked. She wasn't shocked, she already knew but how? She wasn't there in the theater room. How could she have known?

"It's bad Mama. She–the machines, my son..." I put my hands in my hair. I felt so helpless, sitting here doing nothing. I felt her sit down next to me.

She took my hands, "Dear Lord, we come before you pleading with you to save the lives in that room. We ask that you place you healing hand over Lerato and her children. They still have a long life ahead of them so please don't cut it short. We need them. Give them strength to fight and give us strength to have hope and faith. We apologize for all the sins we have done this far and we thank you for all the blessings you've poured upon us. We ask all this in your name, Amen."


Candy always held onto faith. She would hold my hand and pray for my safety and for my success every night. She would pray for our marriage to keep blossoming, for our children's health, for our family's happiness, for all the unhappy souls in the world. Candy would pray about anything and everything.

I hope all our prayers weren't in vein. Life without Candy isn't a life at all because without Candy everything that she prayed for isn't possible.

Hey guys<33

The book is almost coming to an end just a few more chapters to go and then I start with the editing process.

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Until next time my Candy readers...


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