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Published on- 24/02/22


13 more men of the Black spades mafia are found dead in the same mysterious manner as the previous ones

Who is this AT?
Is something bigger than Black Spades is coming?

"FUCK IT!" I shouted seeing the same news again and again on the television screen.

I can't lose my temper this time.

I have to find a permanent solution this time which that motherfu**er will regret all his life. Only if I will leave him alive!

Here is AT and in business that dickhead Rajvansh.

"Who were given the task to find AT" I asked calmly to James.

"Boss... three men" he said

"Take them to my den" I ordered standing up adjusting my suit.


I was in my den when my babygirl called me.

"Cut these fuckers into pieces and feed them to vultures and my lion" I ordered one of my men and moved out of the den.

"Hello Taraksha" I said picking up the call

"Kabir..." her voice came broken like she was crying.

One more thing I hate!

"What happened Taraksha" I asked rubbing my forehead trying to be soft.

"Kabir...the park we went to yesterday..." she started


"2 dead bodies were found there. Someone brutally killed them" she said sobbing loudly irritating me more.

"So, she came to know" I thought smirking

No matter how much I love my babygirl, I still hate weakness!

I have to train her because it's going to be her life in the future. She has to witness many things like this.

"Kabir..." she said when I didn't reply

"Yes, I am here" I replied

"It's so sad. Do you know who did this?" I acted trying to be concerned.

"No, nobody knows" she replied

"Ok, don't worry. Nothing will happen" I acted more.

"Kabir, I am afraid" she said still sobbing

"I told you nothing will happen. So, stop all this" I said rudely losing my temper.

There was silence from the other side.

"Taraksha, listen I was tensed so I took my anger on you. I am sorry" I can't lose her after doing all this sh*t for her.

Although, I will get her by any means but I don't want to make things difficult for me.

"It's ok, Kabir" she said in her soft voice.

"Taraksha, I am sending you an address. Meet me there within 2 hours" I ordered in my usual tone.

"Why Kabir?" she asked

Oh, babygirl! You are making things way more difficult for me by taking my name this frequently. But don't worry, I will make sure that I...

"I don't want to listen anything, just meet me" I said in a sharp tone.

"Ok" she replied and cut the call

And anger raised in me. Did she dare to cut my call?

Babygirl you will regret this!

"Today I will make you mine and after that, you will behave as per my pleasure" I smirked internally.


I am crying since the time I heard about the news in the park.

I still can't believe it.

I called Kabir to share this news but he sounded frustrated. He must be busy so I didn't disturb him more.

But he called me to someplace.

What he is up to?

I feed Choco and put him to sleep.

I took my purse and left for the given address.


It was a restaurant.

I entered inside after paying the cab driver.

The entire restaurant was empty. Not a single soul was present there except for the receptionist. So, I went to her.

She smiled seeing me.

"Can you please check for Kabir Rathod" I asked her smiling politely.

After listening his name, her facial expression changed. Horror?

"In the backyard ma'am" she said wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

Why are people so afraid of him?

"Thank you" I smiled awkwardly at her and moved towards the backyard.

I don't know why all this while I felt the same feeling that someone is watching me.

When I reached there, I found the entire place dark.

"Kabir" I called

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands creep around my waist.

I fisted my hands and closed my eyes feeling a strange sensation inside me.

And the entire area lit up.

And the entire area lit up

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Kabir..." I called slowly...


Hello everyone!!!

I will publish the 20th chapter today only.

Hope you all liked this chapter.🤗

Please do vote and comment.💕


His sunshine, His beauty [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن