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Published on- 14/02/22



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Jojo, I love you!

You really love me?

More than anything!

You are mad!

Only for you!

Abhi please listen to me....


I jerked up from my sleep, stood up, and sat on the couch rubbing my face using my hands. A shiver ran down my spine remembering the dream I am seeing for the past 5 years. Beats of sweat formed on my forehead as I shuddered in my place.

Her voice still fresh in my mind never allows me to sleep peacefully. 5 years, it's been 5 years since she had gone. She betrayed me. She betrayed our love. All the promises for eternity were lies. Pure lies!

She promised me that she would always be there with me forever but still betrayed me, hurt me, and left me. She broke her own promise and left me forever and ever.

All I want is to sleep, and that is too once and for all, just like her.

The memory of that dreadful night is still clear in my mind. People said that she died in an accident but nobody found her body. I feel she is alive. I never tried to search for her because I can't forget how she played with my feelings and killed our parents that too for someone else.

I inhaled deeply, as I got up from my office couch and walked to the glass window looking outside the city which was alone like me. But the only difference was, it will get its peace in the morning while I will never.

Not seeing her every day was hard,
But not having her in my life is much worse.

Sometimes I think if I will ever see her again, I will forgive her. Because she was like oxygen for me and now without her, I am just like a lifeless body.

Maybe I am one of the richest men in the country. But it's like I am working like a robot to forget about my Tara.
No! No! I can't remember her and let her take the remaining life from me.

The clock showed six in the morning. I looked back at my table to find my table all messy and a stack of important papers lying here and there. I signed as I shoved one hand into my pant pockets and ran the other through my hair.

I stared outside, it was the time of dawn, the sun was ready to come out peeking slowly through the horizon. The birds were chirping and enjoying the cool breeze and already flying searching for their food. The dew drops were falling from the leaves of the plants.

Traffics seemed less and only a few people who came out for jogging were visible.

I have been working late in the night to escape all my miseries. Just like the past 5 years.

I turned around to go back to my penthouse. Yes, house because there is nothing to call it home. All the people who were my home are no more.

I felt the world rotating before my eyes as I stumbled on my own feet feeling dizzy. My head hurt as if somebody was hammering on it. All of this is because of my lack of sleep. Even though she broke me into pieces, she keeps on lingering in my mind every single time I close my eyes.

It was all my fault!!!

I shouldn't have told her to go out. I should have followed her. But I was not in my senses. The only thing which occupied my mind was her betrayal.

"Why did you leave me?" I screamed and crouched down on the floor holding my throbbing head. She didn't leave me, she left this world, taking away all the possibility for me to see her again.

Please come back.

I can't live without you.

I promise I will forgive you.


Please, Tara...

Come back...

I kept on ranting not knowing when I slept on the floor leaning against the couch.

'Abhi, wake up!"

"Abhi, it's 11 am"

"It's time for the meeting"

I tried to open my eyes and when I did, I saw Ateet trying to wake me up.

Ateet is my college friend. He works with me and owns 20% shares of "RAJVANSH Industries". He was the only one who was with me. Jay went abroad and nobody knows about Shruti.

"Are you alright?" he asked tensed

"I am fine" I replied standing up and going inside my cabin's washroom to get ready for the meeting.

When I came out, I found that monkey sitting on my chair and rolling it like a kid. I shook my head because I know about his antiques, that's why I call him a monkey.

But we are at the same phase, he is also an orphan because someone killed his parents too when he was 15. The only difference is he always tries to enjoy his life and is a fun-loving guy for the world. Whereas, I am a rude, arrogant, ruthless, and workaholic businessman. I can't enjoy my life. I just can't.

When he saw me eyeing me, he stood up smiling cheekily at me, like a kid who just got caught. I shook my head.

"Let's go!" he said

"Yeah" I replied taking my suit jacket from the back of the chair and we left for the meeting...

So, it's been 5 years!!!

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