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Published on- 13/03/22


The day dawned crisp and clear.

The sun poured through the window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.

Tara stretched her arms with a radiant smile on her face. Her smile grew wider when her eyes moved to the person sleeping beside her.

Sleeping on his stomach with one hand around her waist. Hair all messy making him cuter and more adorable. Who could think that this cute and adorable person sleeping just like a baby was a beast all night.

A blush crept through her cheeks when she remembered the things this beast did to her. Her beast!

She slowly moved away from his cage trying not to disturb him. He stirred a bit but nevertheless slept again. She smiled looking at how he was sleeping carelessly like a baby.

She didn't want to disturb him because she knew he sleeps peacefully only the nights he spends with her. Otherwise, nights are always sleepless for both of them.

A tear slipped from her eyes remembering all the miseries they have gone through in the past 5 years.

But the only relief was, they were together.

She wiped her tears with a smile seeing the face of the man who is all hers.

She wrapped the sheets around her and started setting his messy hair. He scrunched his nose and shook his head. She laughed at him and stood up kissing his forehead.

He again went into a deep slumber with a smile, leaving behind a smile on his sunshine's face.

She went and stood near the window. The wind was blowing around the room making her waist-length hair dance.

The fresh breeze passed her glowing face which made a small smile reach up her face.

She heard the sound of the door opening and found a munchkin peeking through the cracks of the door.

She laughed at his antics.

"Baby, I love you so much" Abhi said with a smile snuggling more into the person beside him.

"I love you so much" he said again kissing her maybe?

He furrowed his brows when he felt some furs in his mouth. He rubbed his eyes irritated and heard a musical giggling from the corner of the room.

He opened his eyes smiling hearing the voice of his sunshine and saw her standing near the window.

He looked beside him with a horror face, but by then the little munchkin ran to Tara.

"Stop there, young man!" he shouted leaving the bed.

Tara picked Choco giggling and ran out of the room.

And....what else?

The entire house filled with the giggling, shouting, and barking of the three.

At last, Tara stopped near the dining table huffing and all sweaty with a naughty Choco in her arms.

Abhi smirked and moved towards them. She tried to run away but Abhi was fast to grab them.

"So, young man, few days I left you alone with your Mumma so you forgot your dadda huh?" He asked picking them up and twirled making both of them laugh and bark...



I tried to move away but I was not able to.

His sunshine, His beauty [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now