142. Punching Bag

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The fight with Deliora still goes on with Ben thinking of the stupidest way to defeat Deliora. But then he realizes that this is his chance to test some magic that he learned in the Magic Library.

He trained some new magic like Clone Magic and Teleportation. But he mostly used the magic that he scanned there to improve the magic that he already has. His priority was strengthening his Dragon & Devil Slayer Magic.

"It's a rare chance for me to use my Devil Slayer Magic, so let's just spam my spells on this dude. He should be tough, right?" ponders Ben excitedly.

A beam shot from Deliora wakes him up and he evades it frantically because he doesn't focus. He gets pissed at Deliora, but he knows it's his mistake, so he calms himself. It's a good chance to test his spells on an opponent with a tough body, after all.

Ben shapes his fingers on both hands like pistols and small dark purple magic circles appear in front of them. But Deliora shoots another energy beam at him so he ducks and runs to the front very fast instead of the side.

Deliora can't see him because the beam blocks Deliora's sight. Ben grins and starts to shoot gravity bullets at Deliora who can't see him coming.

"Sun Devil's Gravity Bullets!"

The gravity bullets hit Deliora's chest then Ben moves his aim upwards. They hit Deliora's throat then his jaw while he still shoots his energy beam. Ben's attacks make Deliora stop his attack and take some steps back because he is hurt.

These bullets are much stronger than the bullets from Ben's revolvers. But the revolvers still have an advantage, he doesn't need to use his MP to use them. Besides, this is also a test to upgrade the revolvers.

He will upgrade them but he needs to know if this spell is strong enough to be enchanted on the revolvers. The basic spell needs to be strong enough if he wants his revolvers to be strong too, that's for sure.

Deliora uses his hands to block Ben's attacks but Ben doesn't care and just keeps shooting. Ben then changes his bullets' element to the other elements. He wants to test which element has the best effect on his Deliora.

"So the solar energy still has the best effect like usual. But it uses more energy, so the most ideal is the 2nd strongest, the light element. It uses less MP but has better penetration, so the damage is good," concludes Ben after shooting using every element.

Ben looks at Deliora's hands that have some small holes in them. They're the result of the bullets that hit & penetrated them. But they aren't fatal because of Deliora's massive size. Such small wounds like those are mere sting for Deliora.

That's what Ben thought, but Deliora still felt hurt and now he get angry. He roars and releases his strong Magic Power to show his strength. Ben looks at it and inspects it rather than getting scared or impressed.

"Hmm, so he still has this much power even after being sealed for 10 years. No wonder he could be a catastrophe in the past and destroyed many places. I wonder how strong he was before being sealed and if I can defeat him with my current strength," ponders Ben.

Deliora suddenly jumps at Ben and sends a punch with his right hand. Ben evades it easily by jumping back but Deliora has anticipated it because Ben kept evading his attacks before. He shoots an energy beam that he has prepared to Ben who is still midair.

"Good strategy, but not enough. Gravity Pull!" says Ben.

Ben uses his magic to pull him to the left and evades Deliora's attack again. Deliora wants to control his beam to chase Ben, but Ben moves faster.

"Sun Devil's Light Scream!" chants Ben.

Ben shoots a reddish-yellow light energy beam from his mouth. The light beam is narrow like a laser, unlike the other elements that have a bigger size. It's also very fast and has the strongest penetration power.

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