10. Cat Egg

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The next day after they found the egg, Ben go to train in the cave like usual. Wendy won't join the training until the egg hatch, so he will train alone. But when he arrive in the cave, he find another egg inside. This egg have similar motif with Wendy's, but the marking colour is orange with black outline.

"Strange, there's no creatures that live here, but there is an egg. It's also similar with the one that we found yesterday. Could it be that these eggs are the same species? Or maybe their parents are the same too? But why were they placed in different locations?"-Ben get very confused

"Sigh, forget it! I'll just take this egg with me later and ask Wendy to keep it too. Maybe it's a Griffon egg, that will be very cool."-Ben rub his chin.

Ben leave his thought and start training. He take off his shirt and wrap it around the egg. He place the egg at the side near the lacrima crystals with his bag. Then he leave the egg alone and start training.

After the training, Ben return to the village with the egg. He report it to Roubaul and the old man agree to let Wendy take care of it. Of course Wendy is happy with another egg to be kept. She is like a mother hen who finally have fertile eggs.

Days passed and it went like usual, except the fact that they have 2 eggs to be hatched. Wendy take care of the eggs carefully, and they place the eggs on a made up nest made from straws and cloths. Then after 3 weeks, the eggs finally hatched.

When they see the eggs start to crack, everyone gather to look at it. Then sometime later, the first egg that they've found hatched. But what come out from the egg really surprised them.

"..... A cat?"-Ben is dumbfounded

The thing that came out from the egg is surprisingly a cat, a kitten. It's a white kitten with big head, and pink ears. It's body is also bigger than normal kitten. It might be as big as an adult cat right now.

"Ben nii-san, it's a cat. Amazing!"-Wendy

"Y-yeah, i know. Then, this other egg is also a cat egg?"-Ben

Just when Ben finished his words, the other egg also crack, then soon it hatch. Without any other surprise, the one who come out from the egg is a cat. This cat's color is orange with black stripes like a tiger. It also has kuudere type face, especially the calm, yet sharp eyes.

( I'm suck at drawing, so i'll just give you my reference. Image: https://images.app.goo.gl/9stDx5bwsdB9gxjV8 )

"Are they male or female? I can't differentiate cat's sex."-Ben

"Both of them are female, so now you can choose female name for them."-Roubaul

"Ooh, as i thought from a fossil who have lived for milennia, you know every-"-Ben

*BONK* Roubaul knock Ben's head because he get pissed.

"Differentiating a cat's sex isn't that hard. Go on, Wendy! Give her a name!"-Roubaul

"Hmm, i'll name it Carla. What about yours Ben nii-san?"-Wendy

"You can name it if you want."-Ben get up with a bump on his head

"No, it's your partner, so you should name it yourself."-Wendy

"Hmm, i'm not that good at naming something. How about Tigress?"-Ben

Ben remember the Kung-Fu Panda's Tigress, and it resemble her tiger like motif. But his uncreative name make everyone look at him with stinky eyes, even his cat too. The cat doesn't have a change in expression, but Ben can feel her feeling from her eyes.

"Come on, don't look at me like that! Hmm, how about Bella, so we'll have the same initial?"-Ben

The cat nod after a moment and Ben sigh in relief. But when he just get relieved, Ben is surprised once more. Bella suddenly spread a pair of white wings and fly toward his head. Then she land on his head and ruffling his hair like she make a nest.

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