101. A Date

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Ben wakes up in the morning before the sun rises like his usual wake-up time. But he didn't sleep in Elfman's room because Elfman moves around too much while sleeping. So Ben moved to the couch in the family room.

Mira & Bella are also still sleeping, so Ben is alone now. He decides to train like usual by running around the town and doing some physical exercises. It's really nice to have a location change in his training.

This reminds Ben of his past life where he exercised in a lively town. Although this place is very different from the Earth, it is very lively too. At least there are people here and not just trees like the forest where he usually trained.

Ben returns to Strauss' home after 2 hours. He doesn't have difficulties finding a way back as he has AI Chip to help him with it. AI Chip always mapped the location that Ben visited, so Ben can return there easily.

He enters the house and sighs as the others are still sleeping. The sun has risen and the town has started its activities. But these guys are still sleeping as they are very tired after finishing the job yesterday.

"And they wanted to play before sleeping? Sigh, they should've known their bodies' condition," says Ben while sighing.

Ben goes to the kitchen and checks every drawer. He tries to find food or ingredients to make food. But there's nothing there, not even a grain of rice.

The siblings never cook because they never stay in the house for too long. They always eat in the Guild building that sells food & drinks. That's why they never bother to fill their kitchen drawers.

Ben sighs before he goes out and goes to the market. He passed the market when he ran around the town before. He buys some food ingredients in the market to be cooked in the house.

After buying some ingredients, Ben returns to the house and cooks the food. The menus that he cooked are not some fancy cuisines. They're just normal food like toasted bread, fried eggs, stir-fried vegetables, etc.

Ben can just buy all of those and doesn't need to cook. But he isn't used to buying cooked food and often cooks them himself. He can control the nutrition of the food if he cooks them himself.

It's not like he never buys cooked food, he just didn't buy them too often. Besides, he can't buy cooked food in the forest. The people in his village always cook their food themselves and Ben has learned how to cook from them.

The smell of Ben's cooking wakes up the others. It's not the best food smell, but it's still good. Besides, they're very hungry, so the food smell wakes them up immediately.

"What a nice smell," says Mira.

"Wow, you can cook. I never expect that," says Elfman.

"My jobs often require me to stay in the wild for days. That's why being able to cook is very important. I won't say my food is good, but at least they're not bad," says Ben.

"Hmm, it should be better than our cooking though," says Elfman.

"You can't cook?" asks Ben.

"We-well, we can, but the taste is not very nice. Usually, Lisanna will cook for us, and her food is delicious," says Mira embarrassedly.

"Hmm, then you should learn to cook correctly because you'll need it in some situations," says Ben.

"D-Do you-" says Mira before stopping what she wants to say.

"What is it?" asks Ben.

"No-nothing," says Mira while looking away embarrassedly.

Elfman looks at her sister and knows what she wants to say. He scratches the back of his head before sighing. Elfman then gets closer to Ben and whispers something.

Fairy Tail: Sun Eater - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now