48. Interrogation

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"Alright, I won't ask for your reason to be robbers. What I want to ask is your magic. Tell me everything about your magic, in detail," says Ben to the mage robbers.

"Will you release us after we explain it to you?" asks the woman mage.

"Who knows, but at least you won't receive any beating from me," Ben says while grinning & cracking his fingers.

"Hmph, you think we'll be afraid of that?" The leader isn't afraid of Ben's threat.

"Heh, believe me on this. I can get what I want from you forcefully. But it won't end well for you. As for me, even the magic council won't dare to touch me at all. So you don't need to worry," says Ben confidently.

Ben has learned Illusion magic from Roubaul. He had found another usage of this magic, it is for hypnosis. He can achieve that by combining illusion magic with charm magic.

But that usage isn't something that will be accepted by the council. Magic that can affect someone's mind is always a controversy. It might give Ben & his guild a big problem. So if he can, Ben will choose to not use it.

That's why now Ben doesn't use it, but he uses intimidation. This is something that he learned from his Dragon Slayer Magic. By using his aura, he can oppress other's will for intimidation.

AI Chip said that Sun Dragon Escanor was a special dragon. He was respected by every dragon in the world. Just his aura could make other dragons fear & bow to him. Even the Dragon Kings were afraid of him in the past.

That's why as the Sun Dragon Slayer who got the power of Escanor, Ben also can utilize that aura. It's not an easy thing to learn, but Ben has AI Chip that can help him learn things fast.

The 4 mages who can use magic now feel the intimidation. Even the normal robbers now have cold sweats on their backs. They can see an imaginary golden dragon behind Ben. The dragon is looking down at them and make them scared.

"W-we will tell you everything. S-so please stop," says the leader with a shaky voice & frightened eyes.

'Ooh, it works. I never use this, so I don't know if this will work. This seems to be a good technique to defeat people that are weaker than me easily.' Ben gets impressed at this technique.

The enemy mages then start to say everything about their magic to Ben. They don't dare to hide anything after what happened. Ben has AI Chip to record what the mages say.

Ben is excited when he knows that the woman's magic is Connection Magic. She connects her comrades' minds, including their sight, hearing, or other senses. They can also communicate easily like using telepathy with this magic.

As for the acid magic, it's like what Ben thought of. He can create & manipulate acid using his magic. The user can use many types of acid as long as they know those acids well enough.

Rope magic is magic that can create ropes from any element. This mage is a dark element user, so his rope magic has a dark element. This means Ben can use this magic using his element. He is really excited about this.

As for the last one, he can control blades is using telekinesis. It's like what Ben thought, so he's not that surprised. But the usage of telekinesis interests Ben because one of his students uses telekinesis. He can teach this method to his student later.

After he gets all the information that he wants, Ben calls the Magic Council. The robbers are in despair when they know the magic council has come to capture them.

"This is the risk of the job that you have chosen, so you need to accept it. But if you haven't made too many crimes, your punishment will be lighter too," says Ben to the robbers.

The robbers sigh because Ben is right. They have chosen this path, so they need to accept the risk. They just never thought that they will fail this fast.

This is actually their first robbing. But they're really unlucky to meet Ben on their first job. If only they choose another location, they wouldn't get caught by Ben.

15 minutes later, a unit of Magic Council law enforcers come in a big flying ship. Then like in the past, the leader is Geld again. It seems he is tasked to take care of Ben's call.

"We meet again," says Ben for courtesy.

"Yes, indeed. I am tasked to take care of anything that involves your guild by the higher-ups." Geld answers while his men take the bandits.

"As I thought," says Ben lightly.

Ben then tells Geld the chronology like usual. Geld process it fasts and leaves the area soon after they finished. But before leaving, Geld tells Ben something.

"In 2 months, there will be a racing tournament in the capital. It is a yearly event and the prize is big too," says Geld.

"Oho, a racing tournament, interesting. But why'd you told me about this? Is it the council's job to find participants?" asks Ben jokingly.

"Of course not. I just see that you have a nice vehicle here, so maybe you want to participate. Also, you're a great inventor, so you might want to show off your invention there." Geld says while pointing at Ben's car.

"You know, huh?" asks Ben.

"I am tasked to take care of your guild, so I need to know about you too. The council also wants to see how your new model will compete against the old models in a race. Besides, I think you will join it because you seem to love cars," says Geld.

Ben just smiles and doesn't say anything again. Geld also smiles and leaves with his unit. They fly away in their big flying ship and return to their HQ. Ben & Bella also leave and return to their guild.

"Racing Tournament, huh? Interesting," says Ben while thinking of the tournament.

"Join?" asks Bella

"I will consider it. It seems fun and I want to test my car's limit. But I need to prepare many things first and make this car suitable for racing."

"Make car faster?"

"That's included, but there are more things that I need to improve too. Ideally, I need to have a special car for racing. But we don't have time to build a new one, so we can only use this one. I also need to learn the previous tournament to know how it works."

"Bella race too."

"Haha, you will. We will race together, so you will also become a racer."

"YEAY, Bella win."

"Alright, let's win the tournament together," Ben says while rubbing Bella's head and make her happy.

Ben drives back to the guild while planning on how he will improve the car. He had learned a few things about the tournament. So he already has a few things in mind to improve his car.

But Ben also knows that every year, the tournament has a different theme. He needs to find out the theme for this year's tournament and prepare his car accordingly. But one thing is for sure, he is really excited about this.

Ben is grinning happily while thinking, 'Other world's racing tournament sounds really interesting.'


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