124. Getting Attached

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Ben meets with the Mayor to finish his job. There are some Council officials there, so he needs to make a report directly. They finish the process fast because they need to take the Dark Mages to National Branch soon.

After the meeting, Ben & Bella go to the Mayor's residence. Elefsia has returned to her house with her parents, so they can rest now. They have lunch & a bath before going to sleep.

Ben wakes up in the evening and finds a little intruder in his bed. Elefsia is sleeping on his left because Bella sleeps on his right. It makes his face darken, but he doesn't do anything that will disturb the little girl.

'Sigh, it seems I can't get up now. Let's just improve my magic to kill time,' thinks Ben.

Ben asks AI Chip to make some simulations from the data & Ben's ideas. He focuses on improving his Sun Devil Slayer Magic because he has just learned it for a few months.

As for the Curse, he leaves it for now because he still needs to improve his emotion control first like what Morgbitt told him, especially the negative emotions.

All his Devil Slayer Magic spells are derived from his Dragon Slayer Magic spells. He doesn't have any knowledge of Sun Devil Slayer Magic, so there's no other choice. It's not a problem though because he has AI Chip to help him.

Ben works on the improvement for the whole night. The girls finally wake up in the morning and Bella is surprised to see Elefsia there. But she doesn't mind it and acts like nothing is wrong there.

"Why're you here?" asks Ben to Elefsia.

"I couldn't sleep in my home, so Papa & Mama took me here. Auntie Amanda told me to sleep with you and I really can sleep here," says Elefsia.

"Auntie Amanda? Who's she?" asks Ben confusedly.

"She is my mother's sister, this house's owner," says Elefsia.

Ben blinks his eyes, he has just learned the Mayor's name now. It makes him realize that he always called her Mayor and never asked for her name at all. Luckily he learned it from Elefsia now or he will get ashamed if he learned it from someone else.

A knock suddenly is heard from the door and Marc comes in. He tells them to have breakfast with the Mayor and Elefsia's parents. They go there and have breakfast immediately because Ben is very hungry. He doesn't eat anything last night, after all.

Elefsia sits very closely to Ben and their chairs are almost touching each other. She keeps peeking at Bella who sits on Ben's lap while eating roasted meat. Her mother & aunt are giggling while her father has a worried face.

"E-Elefsia, you need to focus on your meal so you can recover faster," says Elefsia's father, Herald.

Elefsia just nods but still doing what she did earlier. Herald's mouth's corner twitches and his wife, Vina, giggles seeing that. Ben raised an eyebrow in confusion, but he just ignore it and keep eating his food.

Amanda has told her staff to prepare a lot of food because she knows Ben has a big appetite. His appetite surprised the noble family as it is their first time seeing someone can eat so much food. They can't understand where all the food disappeared because Ben's body still looks normal.

"Do you use magic to digest all those food?" asks Herald curiously.

"No, I just eat a lot because I need a lot of energy too. You can say that my body is special and normal portion isn't enough for me," says Ben.

Ben's body is affected by his Slayer Magic, including his appetite. That's why his appetite is big since he became a Dragon Slayer. Now, he has Devil Slayer Magic too, so his appetite has grown even bigger.

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