33. School Library

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The hand to hand combat training is the last lesson for today. They end their lesson right when the school finishes too. Ben tells the students to train on their own at home and not slacking off.

"I want to see good progress from you again next week, alright?"-Ben

"Can we ask for a reward again?"-Dito

"You really like rewards, don't you? Sure, as long as it doesn't need to use money."-Ben

""Eeehh~.""-Students disappointed

"If you want money, then work for it yourself! Help your parents or do a small job. Even Bella & Carla work for their own money, so don't lose to the cats!"-Ben

After that, the students leave and are ready to go home. Wendy asks Ben to join the girls who want to play at Olive's house. Ben allow her and even ask her to bring Bella with her.

Bella protests, but when Ben says he wants to read books in the library, she decides to follow Wendy. She doesn't like books and will always leave Ben when he read books.

"I will pick you up at 4 PM, alright?"-Ben

"Yes, Commander."-Wendy salute

Wendy & the cats leave the school with the girls. Ben goes to the library after seeing all the students leave. He will scan many books today, and add them to A.I Chip's database.

Ben enters the library that doesn't look that big, just like a normal school library. But there's no desk inside, and only rows of book cabinets because students can't read here. The books in the cabinets also just have an introduction & description, so they can save space.

They need to ask for a copy to read the books in class. Only teachers are allowed to read here, in a special room for teachers. Even so, no copy is allowed to be taken home. Any book copy that leaves the school perimeter will burn automatically.

Ben starts to scan the books using A.I Chip to find something that he hasn't had yet. Then just like what he thought, the school has many books that he doesn't have.

'I can find almost all the books that I bought from the public magic stores in here. Well, it will be strange if they don't have something that available in the public magic stores.'-Ben

Ben takes 15 books that he doesn't have yet and take them to the librarian. The librarian is an old lady, and she's very friendly.

"Do you want all these books' copies?"-Lady

"Yes, this is my permit from Headmaster."-Ben take out a letter

"Ara~, a teacher at such a young age, you must be very talented."-Lady

"I just work hard to reach this level."-Ben smile

"Fufufu, alright then."-Lady

The lady write the books' title and then she give the paper to someone in the secret room behind her. Sometime later, a man comes out from the room with the books and places them on the table.

Ben thank the lady & man before he take the books to the reading room for the teacher. It is located on the 2nd floor of the library, and the stairs are right in front of the librarian's desk.

Ben goes up and takes a seat on an empty desk. Well, no one is here, so every desk is free. Ben open the first book and start to scan the pages. He can scan faster now because of A.I Chip's ability has raised after scanning many books.

Ben didn't bother to read anything & just focus on scanning. The old lady watch this through a monitoring lacrima device. She's intrigued by how Ben 'read' the books at fast speed.

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