46. Robbery

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Ben returns after finishing his job to free the villagers. He doesn't feel challenged at all by the Vulcans. They're strong monsters, but it seems his strategy to use Sun Dragon's Bomb for surprise attack makes his battle easier.

Those Vulcans have been injured first, so their movements are quite sluggish. His usage of despicable technique also worked very well. Crotch is the weakness of many living beings.

Ben could choose to prolong the fight to get more experience. But his priority was saving the kidnapped villagers. If he just needs to exterminate them, Ben will choose to do a hard fight with the Vulcans.

Ben drives on the usual road with low speed to enjoy it. Bella also enjoys the slow driving while drinking her milk. She is still addicted to milk and her daily offering has raised to 30 bottles per day. Even Ben doesn't know where all those liquids disappeared.

When they almost reach the forest, Ben sees many people in the distance. He looks at it carefully and sees a robbery. There are some robbers who wear black attire. They rob some carriages that passed by the road.

"Robbery, huh? This road is far from any town or village. So this is a perfect place for robbery," says Ben.

"Fight?" asks Bella.

"Of course, we have seen it, so we'll help. Furthermore, I sense some mages there. They might give some good fight," says Ben excitedly.

Ben drives to the robbery site and asks Bella to prepare her weapon. He drives slowly and a robber stops him by blocking his path. Ben grins and drives faster to hit the robber.

The robber gets surprised and jumps out of the way. But he still gets hit by the side of Ben's car and flies some meters away. Ben grin and stop his car. "What a dumbass, trying to stop a car like that."

Ben & Bella get out of the car and look at the robbers. They put up their guard after seeing their friends got hit by Ben's car. Ben walks toward them slowly with Bella sitting on his head.

"You, why'd you hit him?" asks a stupid robber.

"Because he got in the way?" Ben asks back while tilting his head.

The robbers fumed at Ben's answer and get ready to attack. But then a man stop them. Ben can sense that this man is a mage.

"You guys are really stupid. Can't you see that he has a magic vehicle? This brat is a mage. You're not his opponent," says the man.

"Yeah, let us handle this," says another man.

2 men & a woman come forward to face Ben. They're mages, so they will fight Ben who is a mage too. Ben senses their magic power, and they're quite decent. They're stronger than the dark mages that he fought last time.

The normal people get away from the mages. They don't want to accidentally get hit by stray spells. Ben also asks Bella to take some distance and support Ben if he need help.

The 4 enemy mages prepare their spells. Ben also covers his feet with light element & hands with the fire element. Ben likes to cover his limbs with magic to enhance his power with low MP.

Ben looks at the enemies' magic. The 1st man makes a purple magic rope. The 2nd man covers his hands with green liquid. The 3rd man controls 11 blades that he carries in his back.

Then the woman gets behind the 3 men and closes her eyes while raising her hands. She raise her hands and her hair also floated up. All the men's eyes suddenly glow white at the same time.

Ben doesn't know what happen, so he asks AI Chip to scan the enemies' magic. Then suddenly the 1st man throws his rope at Ben and tries to capture him. Ben jumps away to dodge the rope, but some blades have fly toward him.

Ben takes his knife and parry all the blades easily. But the blades are moving around him, so he needs to keep parrying. Then a ball of green liquid fly toward him, but he can't get away with the blades disturbing him.

The blades block his path to evade the green ball. So Ben has no choice but to destroy them all. Ben gather his magic power and take a deep breath.

"Sun Dragon's Fire Roar!" Ben uses a fire roar attack.

Ben uses a fire roar to destroy the blade wall and green liquid ball. The fire roar has a wider range than the Sun roar and light roar. So Ben choose it to destroy all the blades & liquid balls.

The blades' formation breaks, while the green liquid evaporated. Before it evaporated, some green liquid droplets fall on the road and it sizzle. Ben now knows that the green liquid ball is acid, so he can't get in contact with it.

Ben's fire roar keeps moving toward the enemies. The 2nd mage now makes an acid wall to block the fire roar while they move back. The fire hit the acid wall and push it back. The acid starts to evaporate, but the fire also getting smaller.

The fire overpowers the acid wall and evaporates it completely. But the fire roar doesn't have any power left to hit the enemies and gets destroyed.

Ben doesn't wait and rush forward to attack. The enemies have anticipated this and they spread to 3 sides. The woman still hides behind her comrade. She hides behind the 2nd mage who uses acid.

Ben has a hunch that the woman is important, so he aims for her. Ben rushed to the 2nd mage and woman. But then from the ground, a purple rope come out and tie Ben's right foot.

"Shit!" curses Ben.

The rope pulls Ben's right foot back and makes him fall on his face. Ben is dragged back fast toward the 1st man. He wants to grab the rope, but blades & acid shots are coming to him.

Ben has no choice but to avoid them by rolling or jumping around. The rope then pulls Ben up to the sky and spins him many times in the air. Then the 1st mage controls the rope to slam Ben on the ground.


Ben gets slammed to the ground, but he can handle it. The 1st mage wants to do it again, but Ben grabs the rope and burns it with his very hot sun plasma. Then Ben jump away from there.

Ben doesn't get any bad injuries from that slam. It's because Ben's body is really tough now. This kind of attack won't work on the current him.

Ben decides to attack the 1st mage now because his ability is quite troublesome. Ben rush at fast speed and the 1st mage run away. The 2nd and 3rd mage also keep sending attacks on Ben.

Ben finally catches up to the 1st mage and sends a punch. The 1st mage dodge, so Ben punch again, but the 1st mage can still dodge. Now Ben start to send a barrage of attacks to the 1st mage.

Ben sends punches, kicks, and other attacks with his experience as a soldier. However, the 1st mage can keep dodging even when Ben attacks him from blindspot. It's like the mage has eyes everywhere.

'Eyes!? Don't tell me, that woman's magic is to connect them. No wonder I couldn't see or sense her magic at all.' Ben finds out about the woman's magic.

Even so, Ben is not afraid and even gets excited by the magic. He never heard or learn about it after all.

"What an interesting magic," says Ben while grinning.


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