85. Ben vs Grossalia

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Grossalia is surprised by Ben's sudden rise in power. She knows he has spent a lot of MP in the previous battles. He should've lost a lot of MP before, but now he can make such strong magic again.

She can't think of anything with her bug brain. Even though she is very strong, but she lacks battle experience. There's nothing on this island that can threaten her for years, so she never fought a difficult opponent like Ben.

Suddenly, Ben moves his golden shield to his right. Then the shield starts to spin and creates friction in the air. Grossalia widens her eyes because she knows what Ben wants to do even with her lack of battle experience.

"That thing is dangerous even for me, I can't afford to get hit by it," says Grossalia.

Grossalia suddenly digs the ground and dives down.

"You want to run? I won't let you," says Ben.

Ben then throws the spinning golden shield to Grossalia's digging location. The spinning golden shield moves fast and hits the ground right after Grossalia's tail enters it.


The golden shield hit the ground and cut it as a spinning saw. It cut 30 meters down to the ground before it run out of power. The soil that gets cut by the shield melt like lava because of the heat.


Ben lands on the ground and creates a big impact.

"She escape, huh?" says Ben while looking down.

Ben tries to sense Grossalia's MP, but she has gone too deep and out of his magic sensory range. He frowns because he needs to make her come out so he can fight her on the surface.

But then, he can sense Grossalia's MP, so she is in his range. However, she stays underground and doesn't go to the surface. It makes Ben clicks his tongue because he can't attack her if she stays underground.

Suddenly, he senses a magic coming up to him from underground at high speed. He has a bad feeling, so he jumps to the left. Right after he jumped, a dark energy blade come out from the ground and moves toward the sky.

"Damn, she plans to attack me from underground," says Ben unhappily.

Ben senses another magic and he jumps again to dodge another dark blade. The attacks continue, so Ben jumps around to avoid the attacks. Then he deactivates his Sun Mode to save his MP.

It makes him pissed off because he finally has the chance to use Sun Mode. But now he needs to deactivate it shortly after he starts using it. He doesn't want to waste MP just to dodge these attacks.

"I'll make you regret this, damn creature," says Ben with a pissed tone.

Ben keeps running to dodge Grossalia's dark blades that she shot from underground. He runs into the forest and sees the creatures there are running around in panic.

"Sorry about this, you guys. But you will live longer if you can survive this," says Ben to the creatures even though they won't understand him.

Ben runs while eating sunlight and thinks of a plan to lure Grossalia out. He can't go underground, so he needs to lure her to the surface again. But nothing comes to his mind after thinking for a few minutes.

Suddenly, Ben feels his chest tighten a little. "Ugh, the poison is still active and my body's condition gets worsened now. I need to lure her out now, or my body will reach its limit first."

Ben looks around to find any idea to lure Grossalia out. He jumps to avoid another dark blade and looks down at where the dark blade came from. Nothing looks strange at first, but then Ben realizes something and widens his eyes.

"How could I become this stupid? The answer is always right before me," says Ben with a big grin.

Ben then enters Sun Mode again and flashes to a hole created by a dark blade. He plunges his hands to the hole and smirks.

"Take this, you bastard! Sun Energy Release: Solar Flare!" says Ben.

Ben releases a lot of solar energy through his hands. The released solar energy enters the hole and moves down following the hole. Shortly after that, many solar energy pillars erupt from all the holes that were created by the dark blades.

The solar energy pillars spread all over the island because Ben runs around the island just now. They move in many directions based on the holes' position & direction too. These holes are connected because they were made by Grossalia's attacks.

Some creatures & plants get hit by them and get burnt to death because of the solar energy's heat. Ben can't do anything about it now as his priority is defeating Grossalia.

Suddenly, the ground quakes and then a massive & tall thing comes out from the ground. Grossalia finally come to the surface after Ben's solar energy release hit her underground.

She actually could hold the brunt power of Ben's attack. However, the heat that his magic produced is very high and she can't block it. Heat can't be blocked easily even with a strong magic shield.

"ARGH, HOT! VERY HOT!" screams Grossalia as she comes out from the ground.

Grossalia wriggles around with her massive Metepede body and destroys many trees. The heat of Ben's attack makes her wriggle in pain. She gets burnt and has some burn marks on her body now.

Ben smirks seeing this and says, "You've finally come out. Now you can't escape anymore. I will finish this fight before you can escape again."

Grossalia keeps wriggling for a moment before she stops. She then looks at Ben with a murderous expression. Ben just smirks and activates his Sun Mode again to fight Grossalia.

"Come!" says Ben while taunting Grossalia with his hand.

"DAMN HUMAN, I'LL KILL YOU!" screams Grossalia while moving up.

Grossalia moves up then lunged in Ben's direction from above. She covers her Metepede head with layers of dark, earth, and poison magic. Then she slams her head at Ben who stands on the ground.

Ben cocked his right hand to the back and gather his MP on it. Then when Grossalia's head is about to hit him, he strikes. Ben punches Grossalia's head from right to the left and does not take it head-on.

His punch makes Grossalia's head attack's direction change and she hit the ground on Ben's left side. But Grossalia doesn't stop and she continues to move then go up again to attack Ben from above. She can do that easily with her snake-like body.

Ben deflects her attack again, but she does the same moves again and again. She attacks from every direction only to get them deflected by Ben. It makes her angrier, so she starts to spam all her magic to attack Ben.

Grossalia makes dark spears from all her legs and shoots them at ben. She sprayed poison from her mouth continuously toward Ben. Then she also makes earth spears to attack Ben from below. She does that while still attacking Ben with her headbutt.

Ben starts to get overwhelmed even though he is in his best mode now. "Damn, she's going crazy. If this continues, then I'll get killed first. It seems I need to use that."

You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 115 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 126 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Fairy Tail: Sun Eater - Part 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang