135. Unknown Lie

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Ben's sudden question surprises Roubaul. But the old man has anticipated it after hearing Ben's story about his finding on Nirvana's history. Ben is smart, so the old man knows that Ben will find out that there is a connection between him & Nirvana.

"As I thought, you will ask about that. Well, as you might have assumed, we are Nirvits. Or to be precise their descendants," says Roubaul.

Roubaul's answer is something that Ben has predicted and it sounds true. The Nirvits lived more than 400 years ago, so Roubaul & the native villagers must be their descendants. But he can feel that something is amiss, but he doesn't know what it is.

"Then what about Nirvana? Is it the real reason for you to send me on this journey and find the Magic Library? You want me to learn about Nirvana's history, right?" asks Ben.

"Exactly," says Roubaul.

"Why don't you just tell me about it instead of sending me for an exploration?" asks Ben.

"Because I want you to learn about it objectively, not subjectively from my perspective as Nirvits' descendant," says Roubaul.

Ben gets silent for a moment before saying, "Then you can reveal everything now, right?"

Roubaul nods before saying, "I have a dream, the same dream that I shared with everyone here. Of course, not you & your sisters, but the natives. Our dream is to find and destroy Nirvana forever. It is a great invention of our ancestors, but also a horrible past, a regret of our tribe."

"Because it destroyed your tribe?" asks Ben.

"Because it destroyed our tribe in a very horrible way," says Roubaul.

Roubaul starts to tell Ben about Nirvana and the reason it was created. Just like what Ben has read in the Magic Library, Nirvana was made to transform darkness into light. It was created to stop the war that happened at that time.

The war stopped and the Nirvits were happy. But they never thought that Nirvana has a side effect. When an amount of darkness got changed into light, the same amount of light will also change into darkness.

"The light that got changed into darkness is our ancestors, the Nirvits. They turned mad and evil, they started to kill each other. Only a few survived because they were too far from Nirvana, we are their descendants," says Roubaul.

Nirvana was sealed after that because no one at that time could destroy it. That's why it became a mission for their descendants to destroy Nirvana. But up to this day, no one of the Nirvits' descendants has the power to destroy Nirvana.

"Even you?" asks Ben.

"Even me. You might think that I am very strong, but you are wrong. If we fight all out now, I'm sure you will defeat me in no time. Sure, I have strong Magic Power, but I am not a true combatant like you," says Roubaul.

Ben ponders what Roubaul has explained. It all makes sense to him now, but something is still amiss. He can't remove that strange feeling in his heart. He doesn't want to suspect that the old man is lying to him, but that strange feeling just doesn't want to leave.

Ben thinks, 'I know that he doesn't have bad intention, but I have a feeling that he is lying. Sigh, whatever, he won't be able to hide it for too long. I will try to uncover it slowly.'

"So you want me to find and destroy this Nirvana?" asks Ben.

"Yeah, but not now, you are not ready yet. Even if you are ready, I can't let you do it alone, the risk is too big. You need to know that it's not just us who want Nirvana. Some people in the dark side also want it," says Roubaul.

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