Mark hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

"I love you C. Even though we aren't real brothers, it sure seems like it." I squeezed him tightly and nodded.

"I love you too Mark. Thank you for always being the shoulder for me to lean on." I said softly.

"I will, forever. I mean that. I'll always be a phone call away." He sniffed and I chuckled.

"Stop being so sappy and sad Mark." He shrugged.

"It's just that Josh is thinking about moving back to New York after this year, and he asked me to go. I'm thinking about it." My eyes widened and I pulled back.

"What? No, Mark you can't do that. Luke's already moved away and I just got him back. You can't leave me." He looked at me sadly and I shook my head. I got my back pack and ran out of the classroom with tears falling from my eyes.

"Carter! Carter, come back here!" I ignored him and ran to my spot. I didn't go to the court this time. I went to the abandoned janitors closet. I like this place because there's old widgets. I like taking them apart and putting them back together, seeing how they work. There's clocks, radios, and watches. Some of them I brought here. This is where I went freshman year when I got bullied. If I didn't come here, then I'd have a panic attack. This distracted me, I didn't have to think about anything else. Then I went less and less, but sometimes I still come, I never told Mark where it was. He can't find me here. I was playing with a radio now, taking it apart.

But literally less than five minutes after I went in, there was a knock at the door as it opened.

"Mark, go away." I said sniffing, without turning around. I wonder how he found it. A pair of hands wrapped around my waist and I knew who it was. I turned around quickly and wrapped my arms around the top of her shoulders. I put my face in her neck and cried as she rubbed my back.

"He's gonna leave me. He said he's going to move away. He can't do that to me, I need him. What if Jessica gets out? I'll need to talk to him, and he'll be gone. He knows my father's getting out soon, but he's going to leave me anyway. I can't believe him, this is how he tells me. When he knows I'm already opening old wounds. He could've at least let the wounds close up again. I can't imagine him not being around." I said as tears fell down. She just stayed quiet and held me. "I mean, I know it's in a year, but he's been here my whole life. Luke just came back, it was supposed to be all okay now. The three brothers, all together. Why can't he just stay? He knows I cried every night for months when Luke left! He knows how much it hurt me. He and I, we're closer than Luke and I, and it'll be worst! I'll have Luke, Mom, Amy, Kale, and..... you." I looked up at her and stared at her intensely. She grew nervous under my stare and looked down fidgeting. I picked her face up and put my hand on her cheek.

"I'll have you my love. I love you Grace." She looked at me surprised and I kissed her, pouring all of the love into the kiss, and I felt her do the same. It was great; the best one we've had. My stomach was doing somersaults. We pulled away, and I was light headed. She smiled widely at me and kissed me again. These kisses were better because we were in love, and we knew it could only get better from here.

"I love you too Carter." I smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. Mine had dried already.

"So, I kinda wanted to ask you on a date/dinner tonight at your house. I was going to tell you then, but it kinda seemed right. I guess Mark can leave if he wants. I'll have you to talk to and lean on. This will also make Luke and I even closer I guess. I'll really miss him though. How'd you... Your class?"

"Mark came over to my room and took me into the hall and told me. Then he watched my class. You told me about how you used to go here. I thought you were going to be mad again and hurt yourself." I shrugged.

Distractions (teacherxstudent) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now