Chapter 119 - The Art of Seduction

Start from the beginning

"Die in front of the three kings." His eyes emitted a translucent glow and Fluffy nodded his head.

"I will follow your commands."


"You called, my liege-"

Gideon halted in both of his steps and words the moment he saw the sight before him.

Adorned with jewels from left and right, a golden crown lazily sitting on top of his head while only wearing a robe that revealed his well-toned pecs and hard stomach that protruded a six-pack abs, Pier placed his leg on top of the other.

He leaned his head into his arm that was supporting him in the throne.

His blue eyes sparkled like an unending ocean in the distant horizon as his hair was gently laced with pins and other small jewels that sparkled under the dark silhouette of the room.

His lips were partly open as small breaths came out like whispers enticing those who saw his beauty into a world of endless ecstasy.

"M-My liege..." Gideon stuttered and averted his gaze away.

It felt like sin seeing an ethereal beauty like that.

Gideon wanted to abstain from looking at that poisonous sight that he knew consisted of a creature lurking behind the darkness powerful enough to kill him in a second.

But he knew the moment he realized his own afflictions that this poison sitting on the throne was something he needed to live.

"What's wrong?" The man sitting on the golden seat spoke and his voice reverberated inside the room full of indescribable treasures that none could image having.

It was enticing and seductive.

"W-Why are you wearing t-that, my liege?!" He shrieked and covered his eyes.

"You mean my robe?" Pier inquired him and Gideon nodded his head shyly.

He heard the man chuckle before silence followed.

'Did master wear his proper clothes again?' Gideon asked himself.

Proper in a manner that Pier never wore robes unless it was humid and hot or if he got out of the shower.

Seeing the king adored in the most expensive jewels while having a portion of his body revealed was something new that Gideon almost caved into the invisible attraction pulling his mind and thoughts.

Pier was beautiful.

Far more beautiful than any woman or man and they had come to envy him.

He was a gemstone that none could rival and should be treated with utmost care and gentleness yet as a characteristic shared by every gemstone, he was tough that none could easily break him.

"If I were human I would make him my wife, Gideon." The dragon spoke in his head and Gideon's face immediately flushed red.

It was such a bold statement coming from a creature who lived for hundreds of years already.

"No wonder Melfar chose him as its guardian. A beauty incomparable even to a fairy!" The dragon spoke loudly in his mind and Gideon wondered if Pier can hear the creature's sentiments from inside him.

"Why don't you try fighting the vampire? I will help you defeat the dark creature then you can achieve that beauty's heart and you can make love with-" Gideon closed his eyes and squinted them hard.

'What is this bastard saying?!' He panicked in his thoughts with how bold the dragon was.

Pier was off limits.

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