Chapter 116 - Proposition of the New Kingdom

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"Prince Faust-"

"Pier had been exiled by his father from the kingdom."

Silence reigned over the group and Elena's nervousness skyrocketed.

Why wouldn't it? Faust's shock was evident on his face and he was left speechless.

"Exiled? Why?" The man inquired directly just as how Asher told him about the former information.

Elena could see it.

Faust's expression darkened and there was a look of contempt mixed with his confusion.

Royals from the Belmaid Empire are terrifying. That's one thing she had learned from reading books and experience.

"It is by no means your business to know, Prince Faust." Asher sighed before grabbing the recording device.

But before he could do so, Faust placed his hand on top of the magic device and pulled it closer towards him. His gaze was lowered and both Elena and Asher saw how his eyebrows twitched while his jaws tightened.

"I believe I have the rights to know as someone who aspires to pursue him, Prince Asher." Elena froze in her spot.

Faust's bold declaration of his ideas to pursue the now non-existent person from the House of Masters was blinding enough for her to closer her eyes and pretend to not hear anything.

Asher also displayed his distaste for the second prince.

His eyebrows slightly furrowed and the once expressionless face he had now showed a little bit of contempt.

"Besides, the emperor and the crown prince of the Belmaid Empire has sent me here to address the invitation to the young master personally. How would I tell them about the extremely vague information you presented?" He crossed his legs and did not bother bringing the magic device back on Asher's reach.

"Should I inform them that the prince told me the person Emperor Adin was looking for got exiled for unknown reasons?" The surprise and shock Faust had earlier dwindled into nothing and it was now replaced with a challenging stare.

Elena knew well how the royalty works.

It was always a battle between power and foundation.

They would always try to look for faults in between anything with the other and use it as a means of threat to get what they wanted.

In this scenario right now, Faust had the stronger reasons.

Emperor Adin and his brother were looking forward to meet Pier and they sent Faust to personally invite the young master.

But with Asher's vague display of information, it would be seen as insubordination towards their allied empire.

There was nothing that the crown prince could do but share the details needed.

Sighing, Asher pushed his hair back and leaned into his chair.

"The young master had been arranged to marry my cousin, the archduke's son by the King and his father, the headmaster." At that single information, Elena screeched when Faust's look became darker.

It wasn't the same prince that she saw who laughed at her embarrassing assumptions months before.

The prince she was facing right now was someone carrying a high-self esteem and dignity that put her own to shame.

"But he declined and ran away from the kingdom with his lover. That was the reason why the headmaster considered him as an exile from their household and banished him from stepping into the kingdom once more." Asher explained while maintaining his contempt look.

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