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She was outfitted in a dark slate grey trench coat atop a burlywood button-up shirt. She paired it with the same colour of slacks and heeled knee-high boots. Her head was covered in a burlywood turban with her face decked up heavily. She looked intimidating and audacious like she dressed to impress someone, not that Marwa cared.

Marwa handed her bag and headphones to Khayr then pushed the said girl behind her. She felt the pain shoot through her pelvic area, making her feel weak and vulnerable, but she won't give in to pain now that she has a war to face.

"Say that again, fish brained monkey" Marwa stepped forward and smirked when she saw how scared Raihana became.

By now, the crowd have started gathering around the two ladies, waiting for their hero to start showcasing her fighting skills again.

"Isn't it degrading? Dressing to impress a man who may not even look at you? Did you forget how I made you kneel in front of me last week? Or do you want me to do that again? I will not hesitate. There is nothing you can do to hurt me because I have dealt with many slay mamas like you, go to our street and ask for the female hooligan. They won't hesitate to tell you everything about me and how I can ruin a person. Ain't got no time for bitches, bye" She waved sassily and dragged a bewildered Khayr with her to the lift.

"How did you?" Khayr was astonished.

"This is just one of my skills of disgracing a person without a fight" Marwa grinned before the door of the lift pulled apart. They leisurely walked to VIP room six, where Jamal was being admitted.

"Aunty, good morning" She greeted Jamal's mom who hugged her with a big smile etched on her face. The mother kept thanking Marwa for helping her son, she couldn't stop fantasizing about how much of a hero she was.

"Welcome my daughter, Jamal has been waiting for you. He won't eat till you come, that's what he said" His mother sighed after embracing Khayr who gave a tight-lipped smile.

"You are not a baby. So eat that food or imma push it through your nose" She threatened and sat down on the chair beside his bed. Jamal adjusted the cast around his broken left arm and chuckled.

"Yes ma, I will eat now" His voice was groggy like he just awoke from sleep, his chest and torso were covered with a bandage.

He started pushing the food to his mouth, he kept trying even though it was tasteless to him. He wants to do that for Marwa, he needs to do it for her love.

"Thank you, dear, he was very persistent until you came" His mother smiled

"It's no problem, Aunty. I'll get going now but I will be back shortly, I have patients to attend to" Marwa stood up and sauntered out with Khayr hot on her tail.

Marwa and Khayr took the lift to their respective departments. She greeted doctor Fiona and collected her schedule sheet for the day, her heart did a backflip when she saw that she has a meeting with Murad Shakur which will be in an hour.

"Thank you, doc" She let out a strained smile and was about to go when Fiona held her back.

"Something is going on with you, stop bottling it up Marwa. Don't argue with me, I'm a psychologist" Fiona looked at her with concern.

"I'm not bottling anything up doc, it's just the mood swings that come with my monthly cycle" Marwa kvetched.

"I'll take that for now. But that doesn't mean I haven't seen anything out of the usual between you and one of your patients, Murad Shakur" Fiona chortled knowingly before walking away, leaving Marwa in a trance.

"Patient my foot, that stupid barbarian is nothing but a bully who only knows how to talk with fists" She huffed before walking away.

Upon entering her office, she breathed the pleasant scent of the air freshener and bakhoor she especially gave the cleaners to be putting for her. Of course, the prince also happened to know about it and instructed that the same should be done to his consultation room.

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