Capitolo diciassette (Chapter Seventeen)

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At the dinning table- Mario, Piera, Carlo, Carlotta and Emiliano were present. They all ate quietly without saying a word when Emiliano spoke: "I heard what happened that night. Is Paolo okay?" Mario raised his head at the words from Emiliano.
"What happened to Paolo?"
"It's nothing son. He got out of control. I heard a maid got him back to his senses."

"Father, can you consent to their marriage?" Piera pouted as she spoke.
"That..." Emiliano was speechless, as he glance at Piera.
"Can you shut up, Piera..?!" Carlo was fully vexed at her request. Ignoring Carlo, Piera continued... "Please father... Paolo really likes her and mother already agreed.. please, father.." Piera begged. Unable to ignore her request, he answered.
"Alright, alright my princess.. your brighter can marry who ever he loves anyway.."
"Really, dad??! Thank you so much. I love you.." She grinned like a child and immediately started eating.
"I don't agree to their marriage.." Carlo retorted angrily.
"Carlo, you should stop this childish behavior. Why are you not going to agree? Do you like her or something? Everyone including Mario agrees. You opinion never counts..." Piera said smiling sheepishly.
"No! Never! I'll never let a maid marry my brother.."
"Her name is Angelica, Carlo. Angelica! Is it hard for you to say it..?" Piera said angrily. Mario on the other hand froze as the knife in his hand fell off to the ground. This act made them quiet as they turned to face Mario.
"Mario, what's the problem?" Emiliano asked.
"Are you okay, Mario..?" Carlotta looked at him with worry.
"Angelica... the girl Paolo wants to get married to... her name is... Angelica..?" Mario's voice was hoarse and shaky.
"Ye.. yess.. we've agreed. She'll be my future sister-in-law.." Piera grinned like a child.
"I don't agree for this marriage. Paolo will never get married to Angelica!" Mario spoke coldly and authoritatively.

"Why? Why don't you want me to get marry to my Angel..?" Paolo's voice was heard at the entrance. He didn't look angry or vexed, his face was calm and soft which frightened them all..
"Don't call her that!" Mario clenched his fist angrily as he gaze coldly at Paolo.
"What if I tell you that I love Angelica and I want her to be my wife..?" Paolo gaze provocatively at Mario who was burning from anger and rage. Paolo's lips twitched as he watched Mario try to control and curtail his anger.
Carlo who  was watching silently had a evil smirk on his lips as he gaze coldly at Mario and muttered under his breath: "finally, I got you.. Game over.."

"Paolo, Mario... to the study, now!" Emiliano said coldly and left the dining in anger. Paolo and Mario followed too, leaving Piera, Carlotta and Carlo in the dining.
"What just happened right now?" Piera glance at her mother, unable to recover from the shock.
"Everything will be fine, Piera.." Carlotta said softly. Carlo's taunting voice was heard as he teased them in a song: "🎶Everything is never going to be alright, be alright.. it's a live triangle, it's a love triangle..." he laughed coldly and left the dining; leaving Piera and Carlotta completely dumbfounded.

"Mario, the battle you're fighting needs no distraction, okay? Focus well on it. I heard you'll be busy through out from next week.."
"Yes, father.." Mario replied.
"Once you take full authority, you can do anything you want, but now, you mustn't relent at all.." Emiliano spoke sternly.
"I understand, Father.." Mario's head was bowed to the ground as he spoke.
"Mhm.. that's all, you can go now.. I'll talk to Paolo alone.." Emiliano said as Mario cast his deadly glare at Paolo before turning around to leave.

"You knew, huh?"
"Knew what?"
"That's why you sticked to her, right? You knew she was Mario's woman.." Emiliano gaze at Paolo who remained indifferent.
"I like her, is there any problem with that?"
"Mhm.. no, not at all.. you know, Paolo, you would have made a good patriarch, but sadly, Mario was the chosen one."
"Really?" Paolo said as he internally scoffed. "Isn't he your favorite son? Why do you need me?"
"I know you're not the Paolo we claim you are; you have much more than we ever imagined and you can make this family different and wealthier. I'm giving you a chance, Paolo..." Emiliano spoke calmly.
"Mhm.. I see. You tried doing a research on me and found nothing, right?"
"What happened doing those years abroad? Tell me.." Emiliano asked.
"Those tears... those years.. a lot happened those years; when we were sent abroad by Mario and you said nothing.. it's all in the past anyway.." A bright smile appeared on his face.
"Paolo, you can marry that maid girl if you want and I can make you the Patriarch of this family. Do you want that?"
Paolo's eyes dimmed as he gazed deeply at his father.
What on earth did you find out about me?

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