Capitolo tredici (Chapter thirteen)

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"Mattina mamma" (Morning mum) Piera walked into the sitting room looking all stressed. Her mascara from the previous night was all over her face. She looked like she cried all night long.
She poured coffee into the coffee cup, siping the content quietly.
"Morning Piera. How was your night?" Piera turned her gaze to face her mother, whose eyes widened in surprise.
"Oh.... I see.. it was terrible" Signora Carlotta replied.
"Morning mother..."
"Good morning" Carlo and Paolo said as they walked in. Stretching and yawning, Carlo walked up to Piera and collect the cup of coffee in her hand; gulping down the entire content.
"You..! Carlo! What's wrong with you? You look like you've just won a jackpot..." Piera said.
"Pft .. A jackpot? I wish..." Carlo said with his eyes sparkling and shining.
What I got is far better than a jackpot.
"Paolo, look at him! See... he looks hyperactive, right?" Paolo's piercing gaze was fixed on Carlo, as his lips curved upwards slightly, and he said: "Maybe he did win a jackpot then..."
"Carlo, really...? You won a jackpot?!" Piera asked astonished at the possibilities.
Carlo said, "Well.., it's something worth keeping.."
"Enough of your chattering. Just so you know, the uncles, aunties and your cousins will be here by evening." Signora Carlotta said as they three chorused together: "WHAT?!"
Carlo and Paolo's brow furrowed, while Piera's eyes widened in surprise.
"Wa... why? What for?"
"Piera, you know we're not the only Griffin. Your brother, Mario was chosen by your grandfather long ago when you were still kids; to become the future leader- the patriarch of this family. You know very well that the rest family members are not happy with it..."

"And who cares if they're not happy? Mario is the chosen one. He is the patriarch of this family and everyone knows that. Fighting die what isn't their is synonymous to stealing. Aisssh! Those little bas..... their opinion is futile her. The only Patriarch will always remain Mario and no one else..."

"Why... Why can't anyone else be the future patriarch? Must it be Mario? Can't I become the future patriarch too? Or Paolo? Why weren't we favored too? Why?" Carlo spoke in a solemn tone.
Signora Carlotta gazed at the two and shake her head slightly, before heaving a sigh.
"Somethings are better left unsaid"
"Where's father and Mario?" Piera asked to relieve the tension in the room.
"Your father went to see the rest family and Mario had a lot to do at the office... Dress well tonight, okay?"
"Mhm... sure" Piera said as she rolled her eyes nonchalantly.
Paolo sighted Fabio afar off and immediately left the room to meet him.
"Oh wow, you're back, Paolo." A soft smile appeared on his lips as he gaze at Paolo over and over again.
"Mhm.. back from chains.." Paolo shrug as he replied making Fabio burst out in laughter. "You sound so pathetic right now"
"Tch! I am already. By the way, where's Angelica?" Fabio brow furrow as he looked at Paolo's eye. He seemed indifferent and normal as he changed.
It was hard to grab out what Paolo asked for Angelica and so, Fabio decided to be cautious and vigilant.
"Why? How did you know about Angelica..?" Fabio said slowly in expectancy that Paolo who reveal something, or that his facial expression would betray him. He was wrong for the first time; he saw nothing.
"Oh, that... The ball yesterday, she was there.. I just wanted to have a clear view of how she looks, you know.." Paolo replied indifferently.
"Ball? You mean... Wait! The ball yesterday? What?!" Fabio's eyes widened as she couldn't think straight.
That bastard took her to the party!
His face turned red in anger, his fist was tightly clenched by his side as he gritted his teeth unable to curtail his anger. Paolo on the other hand was about to explode in laughter, as he stared at the dramatic change in Fabio'a appearance.
"Backfire... Boomerang... Boom!" Paolo said softly under his breath.
"What happened yesterday?" Fabio asked impatiently as Paolo snickered in amusement.
"Well, brother embarrassed the poor girl in the presence of hundreds of people. It should be on the newspaper right now. She ran away in tears and... I felt pity for her... I just wanted to ... Without waiting to hear more. Fabio dart out of the house in anger as Paolo finally bursted out into a prolong cold, dry laughter.
Heaving a sigh, he inhaled the cook and pleasant air, as a bright, yet wide smile appeared on his face.
"Start your day with a hot cup of coffee and a bright smile" [quote by Loveth Ajibola] he grinned as he walked towards the quarters.
"Roberto, I...." Cosetta stood in front of him as he nervously held her up. Tears trickled down her face as she stared at him.
"It's fine if you're not..."
"I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant, Roberto!" She said as she cried like a child. Roberto's eyes widened, pressing his lips together; he let go of her. The back of his hand was on his mouth and nose. Tears threatened to fall of from his eyes as he glance at Piera who was escalated and just too happy.
"I'm... going... I'm going to be a father, right..?"
"The Griffin's finally have an heir! I'm taking my place! My baby is taking it's place as the soul heir and I as the only future matriarch. Roberto, we did it!" Cosetta cleared laughing as she sat in the couch; leaving Roberto completely dumbfounded and speechless.
"Cosetta, it's... it's our child not the Griffin's..."
"No, it's the Griffin's heir. It belongs to the Griffin's and well... yeah, yeah, I know it's also your child, but no one knows that it is..." Cosetta said shutting Roberto up completely.
"The baby'a three weeks already. I'll let you have an encounter with it when it is born. For now, the baby in my belly is the Griffin's heir and the father of my baby is not you, but Mario Griffin, my future husband..." she said ruthlessly without minding or caring for Roberto's feelings....

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