Capitolo diciannove (Chapter nineteen)

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"Did Mario come here?" Paolo asked the maid who walked looking terrifying.
"Signore, ye... yes... a while ago.." She answered looking all terrified and scared. Paolo's eyes darkened gradually as he dart records Angelica's room. He twisted the knob without knocking and entered the room only to see her curl her fragile body like a ball in the bed, as tears trickled freely down her face. Paolo felt his heart was stabbed and shredded to pieces at the mere sight of her pitiful look. His gaze fell on her neck and he subconsciously clenched his fist. Just then, Angelica raised her head slowly to see Paolo standing in front of her. "Did... did he touch you?" His voice was hoarse and shaky... tears grin her eyes tricked much more down her fair face.
"I'll kill that bastard myself..." Paolo gritted his teeth, as he turned his gaze and dart to the door in anger. His hand touched the doorknob, about to open it when he felt something wrap around his waist, tight. His body shook subconsciously as he heard her soft whimpers on his body. He felt his world crash down right in his face, as she said. "Don't, don't go, Paolo... please.." She cried with pain in her heart, he turned slowly and hugged her little body to himself. His huge body stature wrapped protectively around her as she cried on him.

Macro Allegro, Isabetta Guerra, Roberto Marshall, Piera Griffin, Carlo Griffin, Paolo Griffin, Cosetta Allegro, Carlotta Hayes, Emiliano Griffin and Fabio Romano were all seated on the couch, surprised at the visit, except Carlo who seemed indifferent as usual.
"Mario isn't here yet..? Have you called the boy..?" Macro cast his gaze at Cosetta who only pressed her lips together, and nodded gently.
"Wow! He dares makes us wait for him. That little..."
"Macro... just... shut up..." Isabetta rolled her head as she looked very much pissed. Macro said angrily.
"You..! You want to wash your dirty linen outside and let others see how terrible your family is huh?" With a pathetic shake of head, Isabetta answered. "I don't need to wash my dirty linen outside, merely looking at you and how I have stood by your  side all this year; I deserve an Alcatel and a billion dollars for compensation- for staying out beside a trash can.
Piera: "..." What the...?!
Carlotta: "..." pft! A trash can for a husband.
Carlo: "..."
Paolo: "..."
Roberto: "..." isn't my mother-in-law too vicious?
Fabio: "..."
Emiliano: "..." okay, I agree, my wife is the best.
Cosetta: "..." not again! Cut!
Macro: "!!!" You..! Woman!

Carlotta cleared her throat lightly as the room was tense and awkward.
"Mom, don't mind mother and father' silly jokes.." Cosetta put on a smile as she spoke.
"Mom?" Piera's gaze landed on Cosetta... before anyone could say a word more, Mario walked into the room in a blue suit, his hair was ruffled all over his face; hint of stress was revealed on his perfectly sculptured face and this even added to his beauty. He looked fishy and so hunky. Cosetta gawked at him and couldn't help but feel bad that the baby inside of her wasn't his... this man is truly gorgeous like a god... Cosetta's face turned red at the thought of seeing this face for the rest of her life.
"What's going on here?"
"Mario, come sit here..." Piera gestured for Mario to sit beside her and he did.
"You're finally here, son ..." Macro grinned like a child as he gaze at Mario.
"Mr. Allegro, you must be mistaken due to old age. I understand that you've never had a son, but you can't go around calling other peoples well-bred and nurtured children yours; prolly due to the fact that you never nurtured one well." Mario spoke viciously as Piera chocked on her saliva.
Cosetta's face turned pale as she heard Mario's sarcastic remarks.
"Hmph! Even a child can read our family like a book, such a father.." Isabetta's remark rendered Macro mad and he angrily spilled the beans. "You..! Mario! How dare you speak to me this way? You drunk bastard slept with my daughter and pretended not to remember, now you're here ranting about me not nurturing a good child... let's see how well you will nurture this child in Cosetta's belly.."
Like a thunderbolt had struck everyone's heart, their eyes widened in shock- Piera, Carlo, Emiliano, Paolo, Fabio and Mario. The rest who knew about this kept a simple plain expression, as Cosetta pressed her lips together.
"What?! What! Cosetta is pregnant? How?" Piera looked surprised as she kept her gaze fixed on Cosetta.
"Macro, are you saying the truth?" Emiliano asked.
"Of course! This son of yours is a beast! He did those trash to my daughter and dumped her straight away the next day..."

"Mario will never do that..." Carlotta defended straight way.
"Woah! I didn't expect this..." Fabio said softly. "Did you suspect this..?" He asked Paolo who sat right beside him.
"No, it's a surprise as well.."
"Look at that indifferent look on your brother's face. He surely knew about this... I'm sure they planned this together. Things will be rough now.." Fabio sigh softly as he spoke. Paolo's eyes trailed towards Carlo as he thought in his mind.
What do you plan on doing, Carlo?
"Mario, say something, is all of this true?" Carlotta asked.
"Of course he has nothing to say. He did it and he has nothing to justify himself with.." Macro said with contempt.

"I... had nothing to do with Cosetta. I'm not the father of this baby, and so I'll advice you to either flush it down the toilet or find the father..." Mario's words made Cosetta's Brody turn cold. Roberto's eyes dimmed as he heard his words... guilt spread across his face as he sat quietly, not muttering a wird.
"You...!" Macro was speechless and dumbfounded and so was everyone. Without soaring anyone a glance, Mario stood up to leave when Cosetta dart towards him. Piera immediately stopped her. "Mario, the more you resist, the more vulnerable you become!" She spat coldly as Mario's feet grew numb. In a flash, his spilt memories merge together, a slight headache made him groan softly.

He remembered.
Cosetta was...

A DAUGHTER FOR A DAUGHTERजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें