Capitolo uno (Chapter one)

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Tense music playing.
Sound of water droplet on the tiled floor.
Distant siren sound.
Screeching tyres noise.
Dogs barking.
Indistinct chatters.

Some men on the streets with an ignited cigarette in their lips. Couples holding hands- PDA (Public display of affection). Children's laughter and cries.

"In the beautiful city, everything seems okay from the outsiders view. the sun ray isn't scorching; a perfect weather. When my Mother and Father died when I was six (6), ho imparto la lingua inglese dai nostri vincini ragazzine (I learnt English Language from our neighbour's kid). Our friendship was sort of hidden , you could say. I lived with old nanny Greta for twelve (12) years, till she died of a full old age, and I was left with nothing and nobody, no where to turn or go. The Griffin's - wealthy, rich and a prosperous family that have all the good things; at least to the few of us in this town.

Mario Griffin, the first brother and the soul heir of the Griffin's family.
Paolo and Carlo Griffin, the twin brothers of the Griffin's family.
Piera Griffin, the last child and the only daughter and heiress of the Griffin's family.

The twins and the first brother never got along; a chase for wealth maybe. And Mario Griffin, the cold-blooded jerk who everyone fears in the country, is my boyfriend, my only bestfriend, and that neighbour's kid who taught me English Language. Mario, who is six (6) years older than me taught me everything I know now. Although, he insisted on keeping the relationship a secret: I won't dare open my mouth to brag about the famous Mario Griffin being mine.

After nanny Greta died, I had no where else to go or turn: I had only Mario, and I told him everything. It's been two (2) years since I last saw him physically, but we always communicate with the button cell phone (the first machine I ever used) he bought for me as a gift. Being just a country girl- a poor country girl, I wasn't educated and the little education I got was sort of underground, by Mario. Mario found a way to get me out of the lonely huts, and the drive to the main city looks like an adventure."

The young lass stared out through the window of the big leather car. Dressed in a white Elizabeth antique nightdress, with her pale skin having touch of dirt. Her hair- black and extremely long. Her lashes were very long and beautiful which brought out the hidden beauty she has. Her face entailed perfect curves and it was as though, she was an expensive visual art for display, but covered in mud.
Her nose shape- celestial, narrow, angelic, soft and refined, so delicate. A perfect celestial nose. Her perfectly sculptured lips; so succulent and attractive, made her stand out. She looked like a durable sculptured piece of art out on display.

The Chauffeur who was driving the car, kept looking at her through the rear-view mirror, as a smile creeped to his face.

"It's your first time, huh?"

"Huh?" She turned her gaze and stared at him.

"è la prima volta in una grande città?" (It's your first time in a big city?) He gaze at her again through the rear-view mirror, as he spoke.

"Oh! Ha, I understand and I speak English too.." A soft chuckle escaped from her lips as she smiled at him.

"You do? Woah! It's a surprise... that.."

"That a poor country girl understands English? è un crimine? (is it a crime?) I mean, yeah, I'm poor, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. Sono bravo in inglese, in una certa misura però" (I'm good at English, to some extent though) Her last statement made him burst out in laughter.

"I see Signorina.. I'm Fabio"

"Angelica.." A soft smile appeared on her lips as she turned her gaze outside the window.

"Angelica... An...gelica... It suits you.." He looked at her through the rear-view mirror. Her lashes collides with each other as she gazed afar off. The soft peaceful smile on her face made her look exceptionally perfect. His lips curved upwards at the mere sight of her, as he turned his gaze to the front.

'What's going to happen now?'

"We're here.." A deep voice rang in her head as she opened her eyes in a flash. Gazing at the beautiful villa from the car, a gasp escaped from her lips. "It's... It's beautiful" She spoke softly with her mouth- widely opened. A soft chuckle was heard from Fabio, as he gaze at her. "You better come down from the car and admire more.."

"Really? Oh yeah, you're right.." She grinned at him as she opened the door slowly, and slowly placed her little feet to the ground. Inhaling deeply, she had a clearer view of the villa. The mansion, the cars perfectly packed, the bodyguards surrounding the entrance to the mansion, the garden. Everything in the Griffin's home reflected wealth and riches.

"Shall we..?" He gestured for her with a bright smile on his face, as she returned the smile. Every step she took, she knew that things would definitely change, because she won't be living as a free girl with her boyfriend in the same house, but instead, as a house maid with her boss.

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