Capitolo Venti (Chapter Twenty)

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As Mario turned to face Cosetta: anger and pain was evident in his gaze. It was a s thigh he has found the missing puzzle.
"You..!" Mario dart forward towards her and slapped her face hard. The resounding slap shocked everyone, every single person present. Cosetta's face was hanging low- bitterness, sadness and rage filled her heart as she felt even more hate against Angelica, and blamed her for Mario treating her this way.
"Mario! How dare you?!" Macro screamed at the top of his voice, as he stood up to tear Mario apart, only to be welcomed by another resounding slap which was harder that the previous.
Cosetta's face was red as his palm was evident on her fair face. Shock was expressed on their faces once more. Roberto was unable to bear it, and so, he ran towards Cosetta as she sobbed softly. "Mario, she's pregnant..." Roberto rubbernecked at Mario who felt like his world was crashing.
"Roberto, you two planned this... You drugged me that night.." Mario tugged his hair hardly as his eyes were bloodshot.
"I trusted you, Roberto... I saw you as a brother, how could you betray me, ha.." Mario laughed coldly as sweat trickled from his face.
"You told me your plans, but I wasn't wise enough. I was blinded by fake trust in you. You told me that I'd live my miserable life with a lady I don't love and that lady would be pregnant with my child... Roberto was that a warning..?" He chuckled humorlessly. Isabetta and Macro's eyes widened at the Rebekah. Carlotta on the other hand only gasped in surprise, as she covered her mouth with tears trickling down her cheeks.
Piera stood transfixed as she watched- completely dumbfounded and shocked. Carlo still had this care-less expression on his face, as he looked unbothered as the scene unfolded.
Emiliano looked indifferent as he watched, and Paolo and Fabio had purely shock written on their faces.
"I... I didn't mean it... I just.." interrupting Roberto, Cosetta answered indifferently, as she cleaned her wet cheeks, standing up right. "Mario, I want you, only you. How could you expect me to let go of you easily? You're mine, alone, and you have a child right now..." Cosetta spoke softly only to provoke Mario more, as he kept shaking his head repeatedly and tugging his hair out with his both hands. "No, no.. the baby isn't mine, it can't be my child..."
"Mario! We're getting married!" Cosetta replied.
"I'm not getting married to a good for nothing like you.." Cosetta snickered and said. "It's not your choice to make. You already signed an agreement and if you're going to alter the agreement or go against it, you're going to have to give up your position in the company and your position ad the head of the family." A sly smile appeared in her face, as she saw the drastic change in expression in Mario's face. Unable to absorb and take in anymore news, Carlotta slumped in the couch, as her face paled in fear.
"Mom!" Piera screamed as she ran over to the side. Paolo and Carlo followed suit as they watched their uneasy mother unconscious. Emiliano in the other hand ran up to Mario' side and spoke out of anger.. "you good nothing child
! You want to destroy this family that we spent years to build. You just marry Cosetta! If you don't, I'll personally give that maid girl to your brother and release you of your position as the head of the family, so that you'll be left with nothing. Hmph!" He walked away as he carried his wife out with Piera, Carlo and Paolo at his back.
"Shh! It's okay, Mario... you're not doing it for yourself, it's for her. She'll be thrown away sooner than you ever think. You have to protect her by marrying me. That way, you can send her to somewhere far away, we're no one will find her and be able to hurt her.." Cosetta's voice was soft and hypnotizing. She touched his face and held his hand as he spoke. Mario on the other hand looked like a dead man with no soul; her words were getting to him.
"I am the only one who can help his now. Release yourself to me. Release yourself to me..." she tiptoed and kissed his lips softly. Roberto, Fabio, Marci and Isabetta were watching the scene quietly. As she kissed him, the image of Angelica crying suddenly appeared in his mind- anger packed in his mind as he suddenly pushed her away. With just one sentence. "Even though I get married to you, you'll live your life miserably because, I, Mario Griffin will have nothing to do with you.." with those words, Mario dashed out of the house in anger; leaving Cosetta alone with the rest.

"Cosetta, how could you? You don't have to force yourself. Do you still want him?" Isabetta asked calmly.
"Cosetta, what do you want?" Macro asked with hint of anger on his face.
"Setta, if he doesn't accept the baby, I will father it" Roberto said softly. A smug smile curved it way to her lips as she heaved a sigh before saying... "our wedding will come up immediately after the birth of our child.
Shock appeared on their  faces as Roberto's face sank completely. Fabio on the other hand raised his brow in surprise.

As Carlotta laid on the hospital bed, her pale face was bloomy- red - a shy smile appeared on her face as she steered back at the four who were looking at her.
"Mom, really? You faked it?"
"Hmph! The tension was too much, Piera.. I couldn't handle the news altogether.."
"Well, it looks like you did..." Piera hummed as Carlo pat her back gently and said. "Mum, recover fast, okay? You need to take care of your future daughter-in-law..."
"Mhm.. It was unexpected, though.."
"Who would have thought that the calm girl would have a sly side.. she's really worth becoming the Matriarch of this family.." Emiliano smiled gracefully as Carlo reciprocated the smile. Paolo on the other hand watched gracefully without saying a single word.

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