Capitolo otto (Chapter eight)

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"Did you enjoy last night?" Mario whispered into Angelica's ear, as she was washing the dishes: startling her, she jumped in surprise.
"You..! Mario!" He giggled, stealing a kiss from her.
"Someone might see us, Mario!" She said looking all scared and frightened.
"But no one's here..." he said nonchalantly. True to his words, all the maids were all gone- like though they had vanished into thin air.
"You..! You drove them away?!" She looked even more surprised as she stared at him.
"Hmm..." he looked like he was thinking deeply "Not really, they ran away by themselves when they saw me coming.." he answered proudly making her burst into laughter.
"You're really a bad... boy" she chuckled, tapping the tip of his nose.
"I'm bad for only you.." he replied as he tightened his hold on her, making her gasp.
"Stop it! Go away!" She sent him off. Laughing out, he winked at her before he turned around and left. Shaking her head, she chuckled and turned to continue the dishes.
"Cosetta, don't tell me you've been enchanted by that maid?" Piera looked surprised as her eyes were widened in surprise.
"She's not as bad as you place her to be, Piera. You know I haven't had a friend since I was young. She'll make an exact type of friend I want..." Cosetta replied.
Piera blinked her eyes severally as thigh she was trying to process all she just heard. "You... you have me"
"Of course.. she's just... she makes me smile when I see her. She has this cute, innocent face and aura..." with a smile on her face, she answered.
"What.. what is she's just faking it, taking everything"
"She doesn't look like that type of person." Cosetta replied stubbornly. Heaving a sigh, Piera shake her head and retreated.
Cosetta was about leaving the villa when she saw Angelica walking just towards her.
"Angelica, it's you..." she smiled as she walked towards her. Startled in fright, Angelica subconsciously took a step back in fear, and this, Cosetta saw.
"Woah! You're scared of me?"
"N.. no.. no.. I.. I.." Angelica stuttered, unable to form a word. A soft chuckle escaped from Cosetta' slips as she said cooly "You really don't know how to tell a lie, that may be the reason I like you.."
"I.. I.. Signo.."
"Shh.. I actually haven't fancied having a friend before, but when I saw you, I wanted you to be my friend. Will you do me that favor?" Staring at Cosetta and seeing how kind she sounded, and have acted towards her, guilt flashed in her heart, and she didn't see a reason why she should shun her off. With a bright smile on her (Angelica's) face, she said "sure. I'll be delighted"
Cosetta reciprocated her smile "I must confess, your English seems so good"
"I learnt it when I was 6 years old.." she replied. Astonished by her reply "That's quite early. You seem younger than I am..."
"I should be. I'm 18.." Angelica said.
"Oh, that's young. I'm 23 years old.. you should call me sister" Cosetta grinned "Piera is 20 years old, the twins are 22 years old... Mario is 24 years..." Cosetta had no idea why she (herself) was saying all this. A smile was still plastered on her face as she spoke. " you look pretty though.. I'm going for a ball party today by 6, I have no one to go with me... would you accompany me there?"
"I.. I .. I'm just a maid.." Angelica looked furious and ashamed of herself.
"You have a name, remember? I don't care if you're a maid or not; you're my friend, okay?" Cosetta replied as Angelica's eyes nearly watered. 'Friend..'
"I'll take permission for you. It's..." she checked her wristwatch "it's 2pm now and we have no dress... let's go shopping.." she grabbed Angelica's hand, making no room for her to decide.
In the car, Cosetta picked up a call.
"Hello father... you don't have to worry about that... fine, fine... I don't need a date to the ball.. I'll just take a friend. A girl... she's pretty though.. I remember the theme, dad.. we're going to get a dress... you've sent me a dress? Awesome! At the northern villa? Oh... it's an hour drive.. okay.. I'm hanging up now.. I'll be fine... bye... love you too.."
The call was disconnected as she smiled and turned to Angelica. "My dad got me two dresses- a black gown and a white gown- thru both look like wedding dresses.." Cosetta grinned, looking delighted and excited.
"Oh that's great..." Angelica replied.
"Mom! We're back!" A slightly deep masculine voice was heard at the villa. "Oh my!" Piera screamed, as she ran to hug the two young men before her.
"I guess only our sweet sister missed us.." the twin on a white shirt said.
"Where's Mario?" The twin on a red shirt asked impatiently.
"Where else do you think he would be? At the company of course" Piera said. Just then, a footstep from the stairs made them turn their gaze to see who was coming...

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