Capitolo sedici (Chapter sixteen)

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"Angeli... Angelica... you were here?" Paolo said as his voice shakes and cracked. His face looked fearful as he gaze at Angelica. This was truly a sight to behold.
"You saw everything?" He raised his brow in fear.
"Mhm.. everything..." Angelica answered as she noticed his fearful expression. Her eyes trailed down and she saw the wound by his arm. Her heart ached a little at the sight of the wound. Without having any concern about everyone's gaze on them, she held his hand and said: "Come, I'll treat your wound at my quarters..." Paolo was completely speechless and his eyes softened completely.
The maids who watched were utterly surprised at her courageous act. The entire Griffin family were dumbfounded as they watched this strange scene.
"Let's go.." she said with a soft smile, and led him out of the room.
With Niccolo still on the bare floor- crying softly, the family forgot about his existence and began gossiping together.
"Who's that lady?" Fifth aunt asked quietly.
"I haven't seen her before and she looks pretty." Third Uncle replied, as Bruno gave him a deadly glare. "You dare call Paolo's woman pretty? You seek death, I see.." Bruno's words completely shut them up.

"Who is she..?" Signora Carlotta whispered softly to Piera.
"Are you serious, mom? You really don't know her, huh?"
"She looks familiar... she... Angelica... the new maid, Angelica... she... what's going on between her and Paolo? I thought it was Fabio..." Signora Carlotta'a brow furrowed as she stared blankly.
"Tch! Of course it's not Fabio. I'm happy that it's Paolo, they're definitely a perfect match.." Piera grinned like a child, as a bright smile appeared on her face.
Carlo's eyes dimmed as his thoughts traveled far.
Paolo sat in the mini bed facing Angelica with a soft and yet warm gaze. His eyes were packed with warmth as a soft smile creeped in his face. "If you keep staring at me like that, I'll choke you with this wool.." Angelica said with a cruel gaze. Paolo pressed his lips together as he gazed afar off. Noticing his distant attitude, Angelica cleaned his wound gently. "You did great..." she said with a half smile; cleaning his wound and covering it up. His eyes widened in surprise and astonishment, as he looked at her with a different gaze- packed with love.

"You're the first to say this..." his gaze glittered coldly as he stared out through the window.
"Really? Tell me..." She said with her gaze fixed on him.
"I... I had a girl I really liked.. she was in danger, I mean danger.. everyone thought I was naïve, innocent, stupid, someone that anyone could easily take advantage of... she was about to be molested in my presence. The girl I loved. And suddenly, I felt a burning rage inside of me.. I felt an undying anger; an unquenchable thirst for their lives. I beat them all to plump; they almost lost their lives and a few of them were rendered psychologically imbalanced. The girl I loved, the one I wanted to protect at all cost told me that I was a beast and I didn't belong anywhere in the world..." Paolo's eyes turned cold and terrifying as he spoke and gaze outside the room- reminiscing the days...
"Since then, I locked myself up. I loved under the shadow of my twin, as an igneous poor lad. Carlo never knew about that day... I felt..." He paused. His eyes glittered with tears which threatened to fall off. "I felt stupid and hopeless... I felt nothing but..." before he could complete his statement, Angelica's fragile hands wrapped around his neck. Her sweet scent rendered him numb as his body froze abruptly.
She hugged him!
"Shh... it's fine, it's all in the past.. all is well..." Angelica said softly as she pat his back gently. Paolo on the other hand was fighting his emotions; he kept biting his lower lips in attempt to stop the tears from trickling down his cheeks, but her words won the fight.
"Cry it all, Paolo... let it all out.."
Like a child in pain and a child who had been bullied by strangers; Paolo let it all out, and cried like a child on her. He cried all the pain and Pentax anger that he preserved all through those years.
Oblivious to the fact that Piera was watching them all along, her eyes were filled with tears as she watched Paolo in pain and pity.

The next day...
Angelica walked into the room and bumped into Piera who looked unusually warm. With a bow, Angelica walked away with her head bowed to the ground. "Angelica, wait..." Her soft voice packed with warmth made Angelica's feet go numb. In fear, she turned slowly- her gaze still towards the ground.
"Angelica, thank you, thank you for taking care of Paolo for me and for us all.. thank you so much.." Piera said with a soft smile on her face. Angelica raised her head in disbelief.
"Please, don't leave Paolo alone. I guess you bring out the very best in him, and we his family; we're toxic- we bring out the worst in him. I'm begging you as the Griffin's only heiress and as his sister: please, take care of my brother.." Piera said with her knees to the ground and tears trickling down her cheeks.

Angelica was speechless at the sight of Piera' state. Without thinking twice, Angelica knelt down too, and hugged Piera who was crying and looked so pitiful.
"I'll take care of Paolo. Thank you for believing me." She said softly making Piera cry harder.

"Don't you think we should plan Paolo's marriage quick?"
"Seriously mom? With whom if I may ask..?" Carlo looked closely.
"With that Angelica girl of course. As long as Paolo loves her, I totally agree to this marriage." Signora Carlotta said. "Look, he's been with Angelica since morning, they went out together and I have never seen Paolo as lively as he is right now.."
"Even though you consent to their marriage, Piera will never consent; she hates the girl.."

"I agree for their marriage.." Piera's voice was heard as she walked down the stairs.
"Piera! What are you saying?!" Carlo's eyes widened in surprise and a soft yet sweet smile appeared on Carlotta's face.
"What's wrong with what I said? I consent to the marriage, is anything wrong with that? We both know that Paolo has lived his life like a depressed soul, and now he finally found something worth living for; shouldn't you, his twin be happy for him..? I put aside my hate for Paolo' sake. She's the best for him."

"There are many other girls better than that maid. How can you bear to let your brother get married to a maid..? You're ridiculous, Piera." Carlo spat viciously.
"She has a name, her name is Angelica, Carlo.." Piera said coldly as Carlo raised his brow in surprise. A soft chuckle escaped from her lips as she smiled and said: "you know, brother, Cosetta told me something during the ball: she said that I was blinded by anger and jealousy. She told me that Angelica wasn't as bad as I placed her to be, and that she has this cute, innocent face and aura. Truly, she's that exact friend I want too.. Angelica's a good person..."

"She's prolly faking it all. She just wants our money and I won't let her have her way." Carlo replied stubbornly and walked away.

"What should I do to make him realize the truth, mom.." Piera heaved a sigh.
"He'll realize it sooner than ever.." Signora Carlotta answered.

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