chapter eleven

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| 11 |

"i hate you!"

this wasn't really a good start to taehyun's morning.

he had awoken about a few minutes ago, to the sounds of uneven breaths and shouting, his eyes flickering up to land on beomgyu.

the boy was loosing it, trembling as his eyes widened in shock, he could tell the boy's head was pounding from all the drinking he had done the previous night, and he was shaking his head in denial.

taehyun rubs at his eyes, sliding out from under the covers to stand hurriedly.

"it's... it's not what it looks like,"

"why are you only in your underwear with a sweater?!" beomgyu gasps, looking down, "and why the fuck am i naked?!"

taehyun gulps, whipping around. he covers his eyes, "i'm not looking! i promise! just change!"

over the next few seconds, he hears beomgyu begin to get dressed again, a few curses falling from the boy's lips as he struggles to slide his clothes back on.

"did we..." beomgyu blinks, taehyun turning back around to meet his eyes. beomgyu points a trembling finger towards the bed, his face twisted in denial, "d-did we...."

taehyun just stays silent, his eyes falling to the floor.

"o-oh god," beomgyu widens his eyes, sliding his hands in his hair to tug at his roots, "m-my fucking head hurts... why does my head hurt,"

"you were drunk," taehyun says softly.

beomgyu pauses, looking at taehyun with disgusted eyes, "and yet you decided to have sex with me?" he sounds hurt, "knowing i was drunk?"

"i... i tried to stop you," taehyun takes his lip between his teeth, "i really tried to hold back... i really tried to prevent you from-"

"i cant believe this," beomgyu breathes out, "why would you do something like that," his lip twitches in disgust, eyes falling on the bed, "that's... that's just..."

taehyun frowns, looking down.

"you said you wouldn't hate me when you woke up,"

beomgyu looks up, scoffing, "i was drunk, taehyun. i obviously didn't know what i was saying," he groans, rubbing at his temples, "this is so fucked,"

taehyun looks away, heart clenching.

"was it that bad?"

beomgyu pauses, looking up.


"are you that disgusted that you had sex with me?"

beomgyu looks at him, before sighing with a slump of his shoulders, "n-no... fuck, i'm not disgusted with you, tyun," he says, "i'm just so fucking mad that you didn't slap the shit out of me or something to stop us from continuing,"

taehyun lets out a breath, "but you're the one who-"

"i really hate you,"

taehyun lets his shoulder's drop.

a damn knife to the heart.


"i said, i really hate you," beomgyu nods in all seriousness, looking the blonde boy straight in the eye, "you knew i was fucked up in the head last night... having been drunk, and having seen my best friend whom i haven't seen in almost two years,"

taehyun sighs, deciding not to speak up.

"you're so gross, taehyun," beomgyu shakes his head, disgusted, "did you just continue because you haven't gotten laid in a while? you just needed a good dicking?" beomgyu chuckles, "that's so fucking wrong, i cant believe we... this is so fucking wrong,"

taehyun nods softly, his head hanging low, heart taking every hit thrown his way.

"i hate you,"

there it is, again.

taehyun looks up, nodding, before lowering his head again, tears building up in his eyes.

"i know you don't mean anything you're saying to me right now," taehyun looks up, "but you're being pretty harsh, don't you think? i mean, you were a part of the sex we had... it takes two to tango, y'know?" his eyes glisten, his voice squeaky.

beomgyu scoffs, "what do you mean?"

taehyun sighs shakily, "that night," he sees beomgyu tense, "you said all those things to yeonjun and soobin... you called them names, you gave them a piece of your mind... even though it might've went too far. you started to speak without even thinking about what you were saying," taehyun says, "but then, once you found out yeonjun was gone... that hurt, that pang of pain in your chest made you realize that you were wrong... that you didn't mean anything you said to them,"

beomgyu blinks, furrowing his brows.

"so, even though you're pissed with what we did," taehyun sighs, looking at the bed with a shrug, "i know you don't mean anything you're saying,"

beomgyu looks at him.

taehyun meets his eyes, giving him a defeated shake of his head, "don't make the same mistake you did a year and a half ago, beom,"

beomgyu parts his lips, looking at the blonde.

"even though you didn't mean what you said just now, it still hurt," taehyun says, "but, i'll be the bigger one here and apologize,"

he holds a hand to his chest, looking beomgyu in the eye, "i'm sorry for sleeping with you when you weren't in the right state of mind. and i'm sorry for not stopping you when i very easily could've,"

beomgyu frowns, eyes glossed over.

"let's just call it a mistake, okay?"

beomgyu looks up, "huh?"

"this," taehyun sighs deeply, shaking his head as he pinches the bedsheets between his fingers, "this was nothing, he looks at beomgyu, "this was a mistake, nothing more. alright?"

beomgyu stares at him.

"alright," he says after a while.

taehyun sighs shakily, cursing at himself internally as he bites his quivering lip, "alright," he nods, giving beomgyu a soft smile.

he sniffles, swiping the back of his palm under his nose as he turns around, heading for the bedroom door.

and then he's out, the door closing behind him softly.

and it's as if nothing ever happened.

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