Merlyin narrowed her eyes with intense scrutiny before her face broke out in a smile, startling you. "You don't have to tell me, I'm aware I'm a fortunate woman I got someone kind and brave as sir Lawrence. And I don't see you as a threat. You might be the woman he had feelings for before but I'm his woman now. I trust sir Lawrence. He would never betray me."

You blinked. Something about her absolute trust and firm belief in Lawrence struck you hard and your heart squeezed painfully. It chipped away at you, recalling your ugly fight with Claude before you came her, defying his wishes.

"Merlyin," Lawrence said, face turning red in embrassment. "You praise me too much. I'm the one who's fortunate one, really."

Merlyin giggled, linking her arm with his, "We both are fortunate we found each other, sir Lawrence."

"Okay lovebirds, no need to rub it in my face." You said feigning exasperation. "I get it. You guys love each other, I get it already so stop with all lovey-doveyness, your making me jealous."

"You're one to talk." Merlyin said and you tilted your head in confusion. Merlyin stared incredulously at your oblivious face. She pointed her finger at you, her face flushed deep red. "Your neck.. don't tell me you don't know about it...."

For a few seconds you looked at her blankly. Immediately you slapped your hand on your neck, flushing red in embrassment. You were mortified as they both chuckled, exchanging a amused look. "Claude, you stupid jerk.."

"Its not just one spot." Lawrence pointed out innocently. At this point you just wanted the ground to open up and swallow you.

Even Ether didn't point it out the jerk. You yanked his tail angrily and he yelped, jumping off you in surprise.

"Good grief you came here oblivious to those. It's standing out painfully obvious. Here, you can have my scarf." Merlyin said giggling as she passed her red scarf to you. You quickly wrapped it around your neck.

"Hahaha," Laughing stiffly, you forced down your embrassment. You made a mental note to give Claude a piece of mind once you meet him again. "So I guess I should get going."

"I...," Lawrence paused and you tilted your head, waiting him to finish patiently. "I'm glad you came. Sir Roman had wrote me letter you came back. I'm ashamed to say I'm was worried his majesty might hurt you. But looking at you now, my concern was of no need."

Right, he wasn't the only one with that concern. For long time you were battling against the conflicting feeling of fear and longing.

"That night your eyes were full of despair, the light in them was gone. I feared you'd never smile again." Lawrence shook his head, a small smile tenderly forming on his lips. "However I'm glad I was wrong. "Your eyes are shining again, just as brightly like before. No, they're glittering like stars in the midnight sky. Beautiful like diamonds. And I suspect His majesty might the reason. I knew I never stood a chance against against his majesty. You always smiled differently when with him, always shone like the bright sun when you were with him, it was obvious you loved His majesty and yet I dared to dream to have the impossible."

"Lawrence....," You swallowed hard.

"But I'm glad I had those feelings. It's because of that I can experience what I have now for Merlyin to it's fullest. Be honest with her, with myself. I'll never take my feelings for Merlyin for granted. That's why I'm glad I fell in love with you. I hope you'd always smile this way and be happy with His majesty."

Just as he finished with a tender smile, you hugged him tightly. 

Lawrence without missing a beat returned your gesture. Merlyin eyes held no hostility, only understanding as she looked on, a flickering guilty look in her eyes as if she was feeling remorseful for treating you with animosity.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now