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"Ewe mama ndiRight"(Yes mom I'm okay),I assure my overly concerned mother.
"Uziphathe kakuhle Nande,sizawuthetha xa ndigqiba apha emsebenzini. Ndiyak'thanda sana lwam."(Take care of yourself,we will talk when I am done at work. I love you my baby.),my mom says.
"I love you too mama bye."(mom) as I hang up and roll my eyes. This is my third call from her and it's only midday imagine! I swear that woman doesn't deserve to be sold airtime. Although she is dramatic at times I still love her a lot,my over protective mother hen. I'm blessed to have her in my life,she is the reason I am where I'm at today and she is my motivation to do even more.

I get up from the bed,put my phone on my study desk,grab my towel,take off all my clothes and wrap it around me and take my toiletry bag,I really need a shower before I dive into these assignments, university is hard. "I wonder uRea uphi"(where Rea is) I lowly say to myself as I lock the door to our room. I make my way to the bathrooms,to my luck not a lot of people are here just one girl,I greet her and give her a smile as I get into the shower,i take out all the things I will need from the toiletry bag and put it on the chair. I don't like bathing with luke warm or cold water,it never helps my body relax. Oh yes! I shower with my flip flops on you can never trust these public spaces with hygiene.

When I'm done I make my way to my room,i unlock the door,get in and lock from the inside safety at all times ladies! Especially in the kind of country we are living in. I remove my shower cap,lotion my body and wear my purple onesie and pink socks. I head to my study desk and plan to ace these assignments because I just have to be the best in my class. I think my coursemates know that by now,I'm always the top achiever,if it ain't number one then I don't want it.

Here I am getting carried away I haven't even introduced myself. I am Zenande Karina Nododile a third year Medicine student at the University of Pretoria,I'm a 20 year old virgin Mary,my friends say I'm boring but whatever! In my defence I'm really preoccupied by my academics,I don't want to lose sight of my dreams,I have a detailed plan and paying attention to boyfriends will just make me fumble.
I'm from eLusikisiki but currently based in Pretoria, I have an older sister that is going to send my mom into an early grave and a beautiful 6 year old niece,that I dearly miss. I don't know my father but that's life I guess and I know I'm not the only one, I was raised by my single mom and she did her very best,that's why I love her so much I have seen her fall but she still stood up everytime,as they say for my mama I have to be the best that ever did it. I'm a biracial baby,my mom is Xhosa and she tells me me that my dad is white but heyyy you can also tell from my appearance.

I am light skinned,I have huge brown curly hair,a big forehead,big brown eyes,long thick lashes,an English nose so they say,pouty pinkish lips and the most beautiful smile because of my perfect teeth if I may say,my best feature besides my honey brown eyes. Rea says they light up when I'm in the light becoming like sun beams but as that comes from my best friend,I don't believe it she is good at exaggerations,very good.

I have small boobs you would swear I'm 12 years,I was last on God's list when he was handing out boobs. I have a small waist,a flat tummy and small curves that fit my body perfectly. Not to brag but I look like a Victoria's Secret model,the proof is in all the guys that hit on me daily and the girls that hate me for no reason at all.

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