Chapter 13 | Jealousy and Trust

Start from the beginning

'Feng Zhi.' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei looked towards with a pitiful and sad pout.

'You should...have me.' Wang Lei complained innocently and Huang Dewei's eyes widen as he could not say anything in response

'Is it painful?' Wang Lei asked next and Huang Dewei just nodded his head

'Then I won't touch it and cause you pain time...just come to me, Huang Dewei.' Wang Lei said as put back his robe over him and then tied it for him. Huang Dewei said nothing as he just sat and stares at him

'I am...tired.' Wang Lei said as he leaned back his head on the bed frame and closed his eyes. Huang Dewei was staring towards him as his gaze went from his face towards the neck and then stopped on the biting mark. It did not take him long to realise what those marks were and why they were there. He was with Chen Ju then he wonders then what he was doing in his room late at night. Something blazed inside him again after seeing the mark.

'Why do you have a biting mark on your neck?' Huang Dewei asked in jealous filled tone and Wang Lei's eyes snapped open but he stayed still in his place

'Because someone wanted to leave her mark on me.' Wang Lei replied truthfully and Huang Dewei sorrowfully sighed and looked away to not show his hurt when they heard thunder. Huang Dewei hated thunder as he stood up from his place and walked towards the window. He looked outside and it was heavily raining.

'Your Majesty, you should go back.' Huang Dewei said while looking at the rain because the weather was getting worse. Huang Dewei waited for him to say anything but he heard nothing. He was about to turn over when he heard a whisper in his ear.

'What if I wanted to stay here?... Huang Dewei spends the night in my arms.' Wang Lei whispered confessed his desire and Huang Dewei felt his breath stop. He felt goosebumps as he did not dare look back towards him but he could feel his presence right behind him. He stayed still as there was complete silence between them when he heard him again.

'Huang Dewei, do you like the rain?'

'Yes.' Huang Dewei replied as they both were looking at the rain out the window with little to no distance between them. Huang Dewei was standing at the front his back facing Wang Lei who was standing right behind him.

'Why?' The next question was asked out of curiosity.

'Because it's beautiful.' Huang Dewei replied and he heard nothing from him when he felt Wang Lei holding his hand and putting it out of the window in the rain. The water hit his palm while Wang Lei's hand was under his hand holding him firm in his place

'I think I know something which would look more beautiful to my eyes.' Wang Lei whispered after a few seconds breaking the silence between them.

'What is that?' Huang Dewei asked curiously as he stood still somehow enjoying that special moment between them.

'Making love to you.' Wang Lei replied softly and for a second Hunag Dewei thought he heard him wrong as he felt his heart beating rapidly inside his chest. He wanted to say something but he could not. He just stares out the window. Wang Lei would never dare confess that to Huang Dewei if he was fully conscious. He was drunk and alcohol was giving him the courage to say all this bluntly to Huang Dewei.

'I hate you know the day my mother died it was heavily raining that day....the day I became an Emperor, it was raining that day....and the day someone I trusted the most betrayed was raining that day too...I hate rain...It is always there when it is the worst day of my life...I wonder what worst will happen today.' He heard Wang Lei in a soft tone opening his wound as he changed the topic out of the blue while Huang Dewei's eyes were wide because he was opening up to him. Again not something Wang Lei would dare tell Huang Dewei if he was not under the alcohol influence.

'Who betrayed you?' Huang Dewei asked still not turning towards him as his back was facing him and he heard him sighing

'Someone I trusted...And the worse part is I could not even kill him with my own hands.' Wang Lei confessed and Huang Dewei just nodded his head and asked no further questions. He realises he probably does not want to reveal that person's identity.

'But you can trust me...I will never betray you.' Huang Dewei said in a confident tone but he heard nothing from Wang Lei. Slowly, for the first time, he turned over towards him. Wang Lei looked towards him and then painfully sarcastically smile. Huang Dewei did not like the expression on his face.

'Are you sure?' Wang Lei asked

'You don't believe me...then you can test me.' Huang Dewei said in a serious tone while Wang Lei also stares back at him with a serious expression. Then he moved towards him, hold me from his waist and picked him up. He moved and made him sit down on the window frame. Huang Dewei was shocked over this incident suddenly happened as he quickly got hold of the window to balance himself while Wang Lei moved away

'Then jump out from his window.' Wang Lei said and now Huang Dewei was beyond shock. He stares towards him surprised while Wang Lei stares towards him blankly. A mocking smile crept on his lips as if he was saying how he can trust him when he was failing the test and Huang Dewei hated it. Wang Lei was about to turn over and Huang Dewei seriously stares at him then he slowly moved back, closed his eyes, and throw himself out of the window. He was half out of the window when he felt a hand over his waist. His eyes flew open as quickly as he was pulled back inside. He fell into his arms and he looked up towards panicked, shocked and surprised Wang Lei. Now it was Huang Dewei's turn to smirk.

'Have you lost your mind?' Wang Lei screamed furiously

'But you are the one who asks me to do it.' Huang Dewei said as the upper half of his body was completely drenched in the rain.

'Yeah...but...why you would do it.' Wang Lei said still in shock recovering from the fact that he barely was able to save Huang Dewei from falling and dying right in front of him.

'You can trust me...just the way I trusted that you will catch me.' Huang Dewei replied as he sincerely looked towards Wang Lei who was still in appalled and then he moved and pulled him in his arms as he embraced him.

'That was stupidity. Huang Dewei.' Wang Lei softy confessed as he hugged him tightly and Huang Dewei was a little taken aback by his reaction as he put his head over his chest and he could hear a rapidly beating heart inside his chest. Was he that scared that his heart was beating this fast? Was he really shocked? Huang Dewei thought surprised.

'I am fine, your Majesty. Your heart is beating very fast, There is nothing to worry about...I am perfectly fine.' Huang Dewei softly reassured him and Wang Lei suddenly came back to his senses and pulled him away from him. Huang Dewei felt disappointed as he missed the presence of his warmth.

'You should rest now.' Wang Lei said and with one last gaze he turned over to walk out when he heard Huang Dewei

'Do you trust me then, your Majesty?' Huang Dewei's words reached his ears and he stopped but did not turn over. He said nothing as Huang Dewei spoke up again

'Shall I jump out again from the window for you to trust me?' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei snapped his head towards him.

'I do...I do trust you, Huang Dewei. Even if you will betray me to save your life, for me that is forgiven because your life matters more to me than my own life.' Wang Lei confessed truthfully then turned over and walked out while Huang Dewei was left stunned with his heart rapidly beating and felt butterflies in his stomach...his desire for the forbidden apple was increasing day by day and it was his entire fault...because the apple was also tempting him with his sweetness.

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