"Everything you want to say." He shrugged.

"Why did you do tattoos?" I decided to ask, it was the first thing that came to my head and I didn't seem to find anything triggering in such commun question.

"At first it was because it was cool, and I liked to get my body inked." Vanni spoke while his eyes were focused on the mattress of my bed. "But then it was because of the pain it brings with it, it reminds me that I can still feel something."

His eyes found mine as I slowly nodded, taking in the information.

"Does any of them have a meaning?" Giovanni gets even closer to me and pulls his sleeves up, revealing the tattoos that covered both of his arms.

"This dragon it's a symbol of protection, power, and wisdom." He points to the top part of his left arm, and without trying to keep myself from doing such random action, I let my fingers run through the tattoo and feel the texture of the inked skin.

Giovanni doesn't seem to be bothered by the feeling of my fingers running through his arm, in fact I noticed his breathing pattern changed as he watched closely whatever I was doing.

I stopped touching the dragon on his arm and changed my attention to a rose that was there, looking so fragile and delicate when compared to the other tattoos that he had.

"What does this one mean?"  I ask as I draw the outlines of the rose with my index finger.

"That one was actually one of my first tattoos." He sighed. "I did it and dedicated it to the woman that I would once love," I looked up at him, only to find his blue eyes staring into my different coloured ones. "So technically that is dedicated to the woman that will manage to win my heart." He smirked.

"Is that a challenge, Giovanni Berlusconni?" I ask, letting a mischievous smile form itself on my lips as I looked dead into his eyes.

"Are you taking it as one, Anna Salvatore?" He smirked, getting his face so close to mine that I could feel his minty breath on my skin, our lips so close to touching that if one of us reached a little bit closer, they would collapse.

"I might." I smile, showing all my teeth before quickly backing away from him and jumping out of bed, revealing the black t-shirt and black shorts that I was wearing.

I made my way to the door while Giovanni stayed on the bed watching what I was doing.

"Remember that breakfast you talked about earlier? I might accept it now." And with that I walk out the door.

Giovanni came down the stairs soon after me, he had a pleased look on his face as he reached for me in the kitchen.

I decided that we were going to make brownies because all of a sudden I was craving them, and I'm pretty sure that Vanni is not going to complain about my food choices as long as I eat something.

He was simply looking at me as I picked up the ingredients that were needed and placed them on the counter.

"We're making brownies." I announce and Giovanni simply nods, standing right besides me as we start making the brownies.

From the moment we started making them, I was pretty sure that it would be a mess but the thing I didn't expect was for Giovanni to drop an egg and a cup of flour on my head, making my hair gain a weird texture that is everything but pleasing to feel.

I tried to retribute the favor to Vanni but he managed to make me fail his head and my hand ended up dropping the egg and flower on his abs, also losing balance mid process since both of my hands were carrying things and I had just thrown myself unto Giovanni's body.

He quickly grabbed both of my arms, keeping me from falling with my face straight to the ground. A smile was on his lips, a really big one and I couldn't help but mimic it. Giovanni made me happy, the happiest I've been since this whole mess started in my life.

And then he started laughing, probably noticing how pathetic we looked as our bodies were covered in flour and eggs. I didn't expect to enjoy the sound that came along with Vanni's laugh, I don't think I had ever heard it but now I am totally sure that it is my favorite sound.

I laughed along with him, enjoying the moment of realization that we were two kids in adult bodies.
When our laughs died down, me and Giovanni simply kept making eye contact, suddenly my heart was beating faster and my cheeks felt hotten, my legs felt like they didn't have enough strength to stand on themselves and if Vanni wasn't holding me I would probably be on the floor already.

He pulled me closer and I let him, making his chest make contact with mine and all of the flour on our bodies mix together, but I would worry about it later. Giovanni lowered his head and it was now closer to mine.

His lips looked so tempting and the only thing I wanted to do now was kiss him, reach just a little bit closer and make our lips collapse on each other, but I wasn't 100% sure that Vanni was on the same page as I was.

But soonly that doubt died, since he leaned closer and his lips touched mine with such delicacy that he made me feel like I was the most sensitive human in the world.

It felt like Giovanni was trying to control himself as our lips danced together, his left hand was on my lower back as his right one was on my back, keeping me balanced.

This kiss felt like a dream that came true and suddenly all of my doubts about how Vanni felt about me started to melt away, our lips never partening from each other. Giovanni picked me up and placed me on the counter, standing between my legs.

One of his hands was on my leg as the other kept it's place on my back, while my hands were either on his face or his chest.

Slowly, he pulled away and I took a deep breath, he smiled and peaked my lips, leaving a silly smile planted on mine.

He softly picked me up and placed me back on the floor, cleaned some flour that I had on my face and then, happier now, we continued making our brownies.

He softly picked me up and placed me back on the floor, cleaned some flour that I had on my face and then, happier now, we continued making our brownies

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hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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