56: The Downfall

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A few days later you were finally back to work. You had only made it through one business call when your father stomped in, grumbling:
"Something HAS to be done about this Nessa."

You: "Oh please, Dad. She's too much of a loose cannon to actually be dangerous."

Marc: "I completely disagree. She's the one who made it look like Vinnie was cheating in case you forgot!"

You felt bad for your dad. It had been harder than anyone else realized to give up the empire he'd spent his life building and you understood that now more than ever.

Marc: "I know she's been digging and is close to figuring out Jaden is still alive. It'll ruin everything. You have to act."

You weren't sure it was necessary but you also wanted to show some respect to the man who'd handed you this kingdom so you sighed:
"I will have someone eliminate her."


She was sitting alone in her studio when she heard the door open behind her

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She was sitting alone in her studio when she heard the door open behind her. She didn't even need to turn around to know it was him:
"You just couldn't let it go, could you brother?"

Jaden: "I just want this to be all over and to live in peace."

Nessa laughed: "I knew the closer I got to proving you were alive the closer I got to my own end. I just didn't figure it'd be you on the other end of the gun."

Jaden: "Nessa... they let me in. Come with me and I'm sure I can make a deal for you to just disappear and live out a quiet life somewhere far from here."

Nessa turned around and pulled the trigger with a smile:
"No can do, brother."


Jaden had left hours ago so you figured the job was done. Vinnie had promised that he would go through with it, no hesitation. You decided it was time to see Chase to let him know about Nessa. You stepped up to the door of his office but before you could knock he opened the door:
"Hello, beautiful."

You took a deep breath, prepared to put on the act of a lifetime:
"Chase something terrible has happened. A rival gang is trying to move into the neighborhood and the turmoil is getting out of control."

He took another step closer to you as you backed up against the desk. You felt your heartbeat quicken so you quickly shouted:
"Chase... it's your sister. Nessa. They- they shot her tonight."

Chase stumbled back in shock:"What? Are you sure?"

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Chase stumbled back in shock:
"What? Are you sure?"

You reached up and touched his tie, softly:
"Now is the time to call a truce. Join forces to make sure no one ever can endanger either of our families ever again."

Chase ran his hands through his hair in distress:
"What's the point?! I've already lost my father... my brother... and now my sister!"

You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in his chest as you tried to comfort him:
"You still have me."

Chase: "How do you figure? I'm not the one you married, remember?"

You: "We were friends once. We could be again."

Chase: "Until you turn on me. You have absolutely nothing tying your loyalty to me at all."

Nessa walked in holding the still warm g*n and smiled:
"That's not true, big brother. She's carrying your baby."

Chase stumbled back as he stuttered out:
"You- You're pregnant?"

You froze, completely unable to form a retort. You didn't know how she knew or even how she was still alive. Chase pushed:
"Answer me, damn it... is she telling the truth?"

As the words spilled out of his mouth, you saw all the harsh exterior he'd carried since reappearing in that garage all those years ago just disappear. The sweet teenage boy stood in his place for the first time since you'd left him to die in that street.

Nessa: "It doesn't really matter who's baby it is because there is no chance I'm letting her walk out of this office alive."

Nessa pulled the trigger again and the loud sound rang out so loud that it silenced everything else. 

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