15- The Family

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Blake: "Hey man, has there been any word on her yet?"

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Blake: "Hey man, has there been any word on her yet?"

Bryce looked through the glass doors and into the kitchen at the family he worked for, arguing:

Blake: "God it sounds like they're gonna off each other in there."

Bryce: "Yeah, I still don't know how the boss didn't off you to be honest."

Blake: "I'm still waiting for it. He kept telling me as long as she comes home safe I can keep my job but-"

Bryce: "And if she doesn't… I wouldn't count on keeping your life."



Mom and Dixie were sitting on the edge of their chairs calming down from the argument as Dad frantically texted someone

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Mom and Dixie were sitting on the edge of their chairs calming down from the argument as Dad frantically texted someone. There was a soft knock at the door as Bryce walked Avani in:
“I just wanted to check if anyone has heard from her yet.”

Dixie shook her head no as Mom looked to dad, eager for answers.

Avani: “I just feel like she wouldn’t take off without telling me. I mean her and Chase talked about it but with him gone-”

She stopped mid-sentence when she saw the look of shock on their faces

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She stopped mid-sentence when she saw the look of shock on their faces. She never meant to tell her parents about that secret.

Mom: “Dear, enough is enough. It’s time to call the police!”

Dad: “NO! No police.”

Mom: “This whole time I’ve assumed someone took her, but if she is just a runaway the police can find her and bring her home.”

Dad: “I don’t trust the cops. I don’t want them using this as an excuse to involve themselves in my business.”

Dixie: “But if she didn’t take off and was kidnapped, every day we wait-”

Dad: *voice booming*
“I will handle it!”

Mom: *yelling back*
“Then do it because I want my daughter home!”

Mom’s face fell as she started to tear up:
“Poor, sweet Chase. I can only imagine how losing him hurt her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ran away from having to handle any of it. Did you find the kid responsible?”

Dad: *giving Bryce a dirty look*
“No he vanished into thin air, apparently.”

Dixie: “Aren’t you the one who introduced her to him, Avani?”

Mom: “We aren’t playing the blame game. This is not Avani’s fault.”

Avani: “He stopped coming to the skate park but people say he's still in town.”

Dad: “I’m doing everything I can to find Jaden Hossler, Dixie. You have to trust that much.”

Mom: “But what are you doing to find our daughter?”

Dad: “I’m doing more than the cops could to bring her home safe. In the meantime, I’m going to find that kid.”

Dixie: “Well I hope when Dad finds him… he takes from him what he took from Chase!”


Dad: “I don’t ever want to hear that kind of talk from you. There’s a reason why I never wanted you girls involved in my business.”

Dixie: “Oh yeah, well look what good that did my sister!”

Dixie started to feel tears well up in her eyes and rushed out of the room. Mom shook her head at her husband in disgust and followed after Dixie.

Dad: *looking at Avani*
“What was that about?”

Avani: “Dixie doesn’t ever cry in front of people. It’s just kinda her thing.”

Dad: “Why do I feel like I don’t know anything about my own daughters?!”

Avani looked around uncomfortable knowing that was a dig at her letting slip that his daughter and Chase used to dream about escaping this town and this family.

Dad: “I want to talk to your dad, now. I need you to go home and send him over, please.”


AUTHOR'S NOTE: At this point we have been in captivity for about a month. They are doing what mob organizations do and trying to handle it without police but Mom also has believed an enemy snatched her and no one would be better to find her than another mob boss, but now they are starting to consider she ran away voluntarily. We all know she's being held in the basement by Vinnie's boss and all the info on who his boss is and who his brother is will be coming out soon.

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