28- Where's Vinnie

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Things had been so weird the past week. When Avani showed up she noticed you were still down:
“Hey, babe. I forgot my charger here last week- What’s wrong?”

You: “Do you think it’s weird that Vinnie and I spend every minute together then suddenly the last week I’ve seen him once and only talked to him once a day at most.”

Avani: “Uh yeah. That’s weird. Have you tried calling him out on it?”

You: “No, I don’t want to seem pushy.”

Avani: "Sis, that’s your whole man. You have every right to push if he’s not acting right.”

You: “I don’t know. He’s at work now anyway. Maybe later.”

Avani: “Girl, if you don’t pull up at his work, I swear to God.”

You got to the burger place and they didn’t seem too busy so Bryce let you go in alone. This place didn’t have a back door so it was safer. You walked in and Vinnie’s boss recognized you from your time of eating there once a week:
“Hey! Want the usual?”

 You walked in and Vinnie’s boss recognized you from your time of eating there once a week:“Hey! Want the usual?”

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You: “I’m actually looking for my boyfriend, Vinnie?”

Manager: “The quiet boy. Yeah he’s not here.”

You: “I swear he said he had work today.”

Manager: “He was supposed to but he called yesterday and said he couldn’t work the rest of his shifts this week so my daughter is covering for him.”

You got back in the car with the look of confusion still on your face. 

Bryce: “All better?”

You: “He wasn’t there.”

Bryce: “I dropped him off earlier, what do you mean?”

You: “I went in and the manager said he’d called off.”

Bryce: “I’m sure he had a reason but I’m going to call just to be sure.”

You: “No! Please don’t. He’s being really weird lately and I don’t want him to think I’m sending you to check up for me.”

Bryce: “Do me a favor and cut him a break because a lot has changed in a very short time. Maybe he just needs a breather.”

You: “We’ve been home for almost 2 months. Nothing has changed since then and he’s just getting worse.”

Bryce just shrugged his shoulders and started to drive you home. It’d been his day off so taking you on the errand had been more a favor than a job.

You: “Bryce, Is there anyway he’s gotten involved in the business?”

Bryce: “He wouldn’t ever. He hates what I do.”

You just stared out the window, lost in thought. Bryce still didn’t know that Vinnie used to work for your dad and you didn’t want to be the one to tell him. Besides, telling him would open up all the other secrets you’d been keeping since you and Vinnie were found on the run months ago. 


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He’d dropped her off and walked in his front door not expecting to find Vinnie sitting on the couch: 
“Why did you skip out on work after I dropped you off?”

Vinnie: “I needed a break.”

Bryce: “A break from handing people their burgers?”

Vinnie: “You don’t know anything.”

Bryce: “Yeah because I don’t have a stressful job. Listen, just stop being a jerk and call your girlfriend.”



Vinnie pulled out his phone and reread the messages he’d ignored earlier.

Vinnie pulled out his phone and reread the messages he’d ignored earlier

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He typed out a message and then deleted it. He tossed his phone on the table and laid down, staring at the ceiling. What was he so scared of? It wasn’t his own life he was worried about. He didn’t want to put her through another Chase scenario.

He was feeling in over his head for the first time since he took his first job with the boss a year ago but then again this was bigger than anything he’d ever been asked to do. He knew how she felt about her father’s business and if she knew he’d agreed to carry out a hit on Jaden in exchange for $10k from her father she would be furious. He wasn’t even doing it just for the money, though. That was a bonus that hopefully helped him get his own place. He was going to do this so she could finally be safe from that psycho.


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