Eren Yeager - Life Of The Party

Start from the beginning

"Oh." The tone of his voice changes completely and you can hear as the covers shuffle around on the other end. "Yes, this is him. Oh God, I can hear loud music, is my dad at the bar again?"

"Yes..." You reply and the man sighs. "I took his keys away but he hit his head pretty hard and he's also very drunk, I don't think he is in any condition to be driving."

"Fuck. Ok, I'll go pick him up, could you text me the address?" He says while putting on his shoes and reaching for the keys to his mother's car.

"Yeah, of course." You reply and the boy thanks you before hanging up, the last sound you hear is the car turning on and the garage door opening in the background.

It takes him less than ten minutes to show up. His hair is in a messy mixture between a ponytail and a bun, the bags underneath his eyes are deep but he still looks beautiful nevertheless. His piercing green eyes are what catch your attention immediately.

Those eyes that make you melt inside within a second of just looking at them, that bring butterflies to your stomach for the first time in oh so long.

When they land on you, he can't look away anymore. The man makes his way towards you, no shirt in sight and a simple robe barely wrapped in a knot covering his chest. He steps over his father's asleep body.

"Hi, I'm Eren. You come here often?"

"Well, I work here. So I think I'd have to say 'yes'." You respond, a smirk taking over the corner of your lips.

Suddenly a blush spreads across his cheeks, "Oh you are the one who called me."

"Yeah, I'm Y/N." You reach for his hand in the hopes of shaking it and he smiles, following your actions.

"Nice to meet you." The boy replies, flashing you one of the most beautiful smiles you had ever seen in your entire life. Once his father grunts on the floor, he gets out of the transe you put in him and he kneels down beside him. "Are you ready to go home?"

"No. I don't want to see your mother, she's going to kill me." Dr Yeager says, not cooperating with his youngest son who attempts to wrap his father's arm around his shoulder. The boy grunts in annoyance, smelling his father's breath.

"She's going to kill you for waking me up on a school night so either way, you're dead, Old Man." Eren says, a devious smile on his face as he brings his father outside and throws his half-conscious body inside the car.

You follow him closely behind, Grisha's wallet in your hands before handing it to Eren and in that second, your hands touched and you felt as if you had already met him before.

"Thank you for not letting him drive in this state." Eren says, pulling you in for a hug. He reaches for your cheek to plant a small kiss as a way of thanking you but you accidentally turn your face around, causing your lips to touch his.

Your cheeks burn in embarrassment but you can't pull away, so you wrap one arm around his neck and the other you use to place your hand on his jawline. The way his lips touch yours is gentle, he doesn't try to pull away or make it awkward, he just goes with it.

Part of you refuses to pull away from him, taking in the smell of his after shave lotion. Deep inside of you, a voice says that you've met him before but your brain can't quite place where.

As he deepens the kiss, a current of air rushes by and undoes his messy hairstyle. Your hair and his mix together in the wind and a few flowers from a tree underneath swirl around you, it's a scene worthy of a disney movie.

Once he pulls away, you notice how red his cheeks are but the smile on his lips is so bright you can't look anywhere else.

"I'm so sorry." He says, removing his hands from your waist. "I got carried away!"

"No, no I'm the one who should apologize, I moved my head last second!" You say, feeling as your cheeks burn once more.

"Eren? Is that you?" Mikasa says, rushing towards the boy before giving him a big hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

The boy looks a little awkward at first but hugs her back nevertheless. "I know, would you mind if I called you later? I have to take my dad home."

"Sure, but fucking call me!" Mikasa demands in a playful tone and Eren smiles, nodding his head. Before he lets her go, he whispers something in her ear and it results in the two of them looking at you.

He rushes to the driver seat of the car and drives away at a ridiculous speed, drifting through the turns with ease and you realize he is trying to show off so you can't help but let out a laugh, muffled by the hand that covers your mouth.

"Do you know him?" You ask and Mikasa smiles.

"Yeah, that's my childhood best friend." She responds, "He asked for your number."

"Did you give it to him?" You inquire a little too quickly and immediately begin to backpedal, "Wait, no, that's not... don't look at me like that, it's not what you think, Mikasa please, I promise, you have to believe me!"

"Y/N, another regular is asking for you!" Your manager says as he steps outside so you rush back, completely ignoring your two friends who look at you with an amused expression on their faces.

The truth is you can't stop thinking about those piercing green eyes and the way his lips were so soft to the touch. Your mind drifts to places you had never known and the idea of being with him isn't so bad after all.

Before the end of your shift, your phone dings and the message that pops up brings a smile to your face and your heart begins to race, much like an overexcited child.

Before the end of your shift, your phone dings and the message that pops up brings a smile to your face and your heart begins to race, much like an overexcited child

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