"Caporal Aubert, how nice to finally meet you," Natasha put on her best German accent, trying to further hide her identity. She used his title, trying to simultaneously charm him with her caress of his name and also to let Yelena know that she had found their target that they were pursuing. Yelena let out a disgusted scoff.

"Oh, yes... The greasy Frenchman. Ahh, Pepe le Pew, come and give me big kiss, baby," Yelena faked an exaggerated French accent, unashamedly making fun of the man, and Natasha had to call every bit of her training to the surface to avoid laughing at Yelena's randomness.

"Why aren't you a stunning sight? What brings you here tonight, ma belle?" he questioned as he stepped closer to her, his accent thick as he looked at her and grinned wolfishly. Natasha just smiled back at him mysteriously, tilting her head to the side as she eyed him.

"Admiring the scenery. Same as you," Natasha flirted back coyly, and Natasha could hear Yelena's growl in her earpiece. However, Aubert simply grinned back at her happily, his eyes sparkling.

"Is he flirting with you? That is so disgusting. I'll be right there," Yelena hissed through comms, and Natasha quickly scanned her brain to think of something she could say to calm the blonde so that she would not blow her cover.

Sure enough, Natasha immediately caught sight of Yelena at a distance from her, weaving through the crowd with what could only be described as murder in her eyes as her stare locked onto the Frenchman's back. Natasha glanced at her just barely, the tick of her gaze undetectable by anyone except the best trained spy. Yelena slowed her march just a little, clenching her jaw a little as she approached more slowly and more casually.

Natasha knew that it was taking everything in the blonde to hold back the urge to defend her. Natasha honestly thought it was absolutely adorable how Yelena despised anyone coming near Natasha. Yelena always grew ridiculously protective when any guys flirted with Natasha whether it was innocently intended or not so much, and Natasha always had to hold her back since Yelena always carried a knife on her person somewhere.

They had taken weapons at the door, but Natasha knew that Yelena had kept at least a knife if not also a small pistol on her. Since Natasha was wearing one of those uncomfortable, far-too-tight dresses that night, she was relying on Yelena to have the weapons if things went wrong, and they had to get out fast.

They were aiming on things to go smoothly that night and for the both of them to slip out unnoticed, but if things got hairy when they were picking up the information, Natasha was more than ready to forget covertness.

"Just admiring the scenery?" Aubert inquired with a slight smirk, and Natasha just raised an eyebrow, moving a bit nearer as she looked up at him and tried to keep up this façade of being interested in him and therefore throwing off any potential suspicions.

"Well, I was also hoping for some good wine a little later," Natasha flicked her gaze up and down his form quickly, and that evil smile just widened as he unashamedly took in the entirety of her.

"Would you like to dance?" he questioned, much too pleased with himself, and Natasha easily nodded, biting her bottom lip ever so slightly. She watched his gaze flick down to her mouth, and she felt like throwing up the entire time. Yelena practically snarled in her comms.

"Oh, for the love of—"

"I would love to," she agreed, cutting Yelena off in whatever she was about to say. Yelena simply growled underneath her breath, and Natasha caught sight of her sister's tan pantsuit moving off deeper into the crowd where she could watch the both of them without being seen.

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