Under the Influence

Start from the beginning

"What was that?!" Natasha yelped in shock, and Yelena just made a sound of revulsion.

"That did not taste like turkey!" Yelena cried out, completely upset at the fact, and Natasha paused, looking at her as if she had lost her mind as she examined her hand carefully.

"Why did you think it would?!" Natasha demanded, wincing hard as she tried to make sure the last bits of spit were removed from her palm.

"Hands taste like turkey! Haven't you heard of hand turkeys?!" Yelena somewhat dopily questioned, and Natasha stared at her blankly for a long moment before chuckling in spite of herself. A drugged-up Yelena was certainly a very interesting encounter, and she was beginning to find it absolutely adorable despite the fact that Yelena's antics could be extremely disgusting.

Natasha withdrew her phone surreptitiously, planning to get at least some of this on video. After all, she knew that Yelena would do the exact same thing to her. She, of course, was not going to show anyone this video, but she was definitely keeping it for her enjoyment.

"Yeah, I've heard of them. But that's arts and crafts," Natasha informed her gently as she turned on the video option on the phone, tilting the phone ever so slightly in her lap so she could get video footage of Yelena. Yelena nodded slowly, her head against the pillow where her hospital bed was elevated.

"I've done farts and craps," Yelena slowly declared as if it were some sort of great accomplishment, and Natasha almost snorted, barely controlling herself as she tried to stay sounding at least a little serious. She was not sure how the blonde would react to her laughing at her in this state.

"I know, Rooskaya," Natasha patiently replied with a sigh and what was almost a laugh.

"I'm good at farts and craps," Yelena proudly announced, and Natasha nodded slowly.

"Trust me. Anyone who's been in the bathroom after you is well-aware," Natasha retorted, knowing that the sarcasm was probably a little above Yelena's head right now but still finding it necessary to make some sort of quip in reply. Even if it was only for her own enjoyment.

A nurse suddenly came in for a short moment, messing about with some things on a nearby clipboard resting in the room, and Yelena immediately opened her eyes at the sound of someone coming in. The man barely looked in her direction but once he realized she was just staring at him creepily, he offered a tentative yet friendly wave.

"Natashka, do you think he's a leprechaun?" Yelena suddenly asked out of the blue, the question far too loud despite Yelena's attempt at a whisper. Natasha immediately face-palmed, sighing deeply as she felt the man's gaze snap over to them. He was extraordinarily short and very redheaded and the comment was admittedly quite humorous, but she tried diligently to get Yelena to quiet down.

"No, honey, I don't," Natasha answered her carefully.

"But Natashka, he's a ginger!" Yelena told her a bit more loudly, and Natasha shook her head, shushing her.

"Sh, don't say that out loud," Natasha tried to scold, and Yelena's eyes widened as she poked at Natasha's hair.

"You're a carrot, too," Yelena declared as if it were some sort of grand discovery, and Natasha started to open her mouth to protest before Yelena suddenly raised up more, yelling loudly as she looked at the man.

"Leprechaun! Come join your St. Patty Sistren!" Yelena called far too noisily for Natasha's liking and Natasha almost felt as if she were going to shrivel up and die from the embarrassment of it all.

"Yelena, shush! And what is sistren?!" Natasha demanded, glancing worriedly in the man's direction but keeping most of her attention on the blonde just before her.

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