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A month later

Darcy is now a month old Sam and Colby where currently in their living room sitting on the floor with Darcy "c'mere my love" Colby says carrying Darcy but Darcy let's out a screech cry making Sam cover his eyes and Colby wince "hey shh shh" Colby says trying to calm her down but Darcy trashes in his hold, Colby frowns "what's wrong princess" but Darcy keeps crying making grabby hands towards Sam "ahh you want your mommy" Colby huffs making Sam giggle and he takes Darcy from Colby's hold "hi my beautiful baby hi" Sam coos Darcy smiles and puts her hand on Sams chest "Oooh" Sam says "hey! Those are mine!" Colby pouts and Darcy makes a mad face towards Colby making him laugh Sam giggles and remove a strap of his shirt he brings Darcy up to his nipple and she quickly latches her mouth to his nipple, feeding herself "those nipples are gonna be mine later" Colby smirks making Sam giggle "alright baby I'm going to order food want anything?" Colby ask "uh I want chipotle!" Sam gasp "of course baby, I'll be back I know your order already" Sam smiles nodding "okay" he says Colby smiles pecking Sams lips before leaving.
"Well it's just you and me baby" Sam says Darcy tiredly opens her eyes "oh! Your tired, okay" Sam says rocking side to side as Darcy closes her eyes back Sam smiles running his fingers throw her hair "your so beautiful" Sam softly says.

"Baby! I'm home" Colby says "in here Colbs" Sam says from the living room Colby hums and walks into the living room "oooo gimmie" Sam smiles making grabby hands to the food Colby smiles and see Darcy sleeping on the white bassinet colby smiles softly and hands the food to Sam as he goes over to Darcy and leans down softly kisses her head he looks back and sees Sam eating his burrito some food on his face making colby chuckle "it's sooo good" Sam says colby laughs and sits down next to him grabbing his burrito eating his.
As the couples are eating while watching tv and Darcy sleeping everything is going good until they both hear glass break making Colby quickly pause the show covering Sams mouth knowing he'll make a noise Colby looks at him j to his eyes and mouth 'shhh' Sam nods whimpering against his mouth he slowly uncover his mouth and whisper "take Darcy and go to the room lock the door and hide in the back of the closet "I don't wanna leave you" Sam says tears forming his eyes "go!" Colby whisper yells and a little stern in his voice making Sam cower and nods "I love you" Sam says "I love you" Colby says he pecks his lips and sam picks Darcy up holding her close to his chest as he makes his way upstairs once Sam is out of sight Colby quickly goes to the photo frame and moves it putting in the code as he grabs his gun loading it up he closes the safe and puts the frame back he puts the gun behind his pants he walks away staying cover "where are you Brock!" Colby growls as he recognizes the voice "you've gone soft for that cunt!" The guys spits "where is he anyways" the guy ticks "how the fuck did you find where I lived, Nolen" Colby growls as he meets him in the kitchen "ah there you are" Nolen says "what do you want!" Colby growls "get back with me" he smiles "fuck no! I have a boyfriend" colby yells "and! I want you! Make me yours! Why him! What does he have that I don't!" He yells "an ass" Colby smirks "fuck you!" Nolen yells "I did but to my boyfriend" Colby "I'll kill him." He threatens.


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