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Sam wakes up and sits up whimpering from the sting in his bum "Colbs?" Sam questions as he sees him sleeping he shrugs and gets out of bed "oh... Sam" Louis says as he sees Sam "are you okay" he ask going over to him "I'm okay just hurts a little" Sam says "oh poor thing" Lou says hugging him Sam hugs back "the girls and I heard what happened so did uh Harry" "it's okay it was my punishment" Sam says pulling away "don't worry wanna go get ice and be in the pool?" Louis ask "yeah I like the sound of that" Sam says smiling "okay go get change I'll do the same" Louis says Sam nods and goes back to his room he goes to his closet and grabs his two piece bikini he puts it on grabs a towel and makes his way out of the room "ready" Louis ask "yeah" he nods and they both go downstairs Louis grabs the bucket of ice cream as Sam grabs two spoons they both go outside and get in the pool they go over to the table that's in the pool and sit down across from each other "it's very hot today for some reason" Sam says scooping some ice cream eating it "I know anyways do you wanna talk about what happened with Colby and the teacher" Lou ask as he also scoops some ice cream and eats it "well with the teacher I wasn't in the mood I was already mad sort of I was stressed out and she pushed my last limit and with Colby I gave him attitude and that upset him like a lot" Sam says sighing "well I'm glad your bum is okay but just leave the class or if you talk to me or one of the girls I don't want you to get punishment all the time" Louis says "I know I will also with you I heard you crying after Harry gave you your punishment a couple of days ago I was gonna go talk to you but Tara went" Sam says Louis nods and ways more ice cream "c'mon let's put this back and swim" Sam says "alright I'll put it back" Louis says grabs the bucket and the spoons he leaves the pool and goes in into the kitchen "hey baby" Harry says slapping his bum "Haz!" Louis squeaks as he puts the ice cream away and the spoons "what are you doing love" Harry says "swimming with Sam" Lou says "you look hot" Harry says before Louis can say something Harry pulls him into a kiss he licks his bottom lip for entrance Louis part open his lips and Harry slides his tongue in exploring his mouth Hager backs Lou up to a wall as he squeezes his ass "mmm~" Lou moans into the kiss "baby let's take this upstairs" Harry says as pulls away "noooo I can't I'm with Sam" Louis says "how about later" Harry ask "maybe" Lou says giggling "I'll take that as a yes!" Harry says "yep!" Louis giggles walking away Harry smirks and goes back to the bowling alley with Mike and Jake "what took you so long" Sam as he came back from under water "sorry got caught with Harry in there" Louis says blushing "oh my god!" Sam squeals "nasty you two!" Sam says giggling "oh hush just wait until you and Colby start" Lou says smirking "no! Shut up!" Sam giggles "baby!" Sam looks over and sees Colby coming towards them with Harry "yeah Colbs what's up" Sam says "we'll I was looking for you unril I found Harry and he told me you were out here with Louis" Colby says "yep!" Sam says "anyways wanna go bowling?" Harry ask "yeah, you wanna go Lou" Sam says "yeah let's go" "okay let me just shower" Sam says both Louis and Sam get out grabbing there towels as Sam bends down Colby can't help but bite his lip and Harry chuckles "okay I'm going to go shower"Sam says pecking Colbys lips walking pass him "and you chuckle at me" Colby says smirking "oh shut up I can't help but look" Harry says Colby laughs and goes back inside walking up to his bedroom he walks in and realize Sams showering he walks into the bathroom and undress he goes inside the shower and wraps his arms around Sam "hey baby" "hey Colbs" Colby smiles and turns Sam around and pulls him into a kiss Sam smiles into the kiss Colby licks Sams bottom lip he part open his lips to let Colbys tongue in Colby smirks and squeezes Sams butt Sam sucks onto Colbys tongue as Colby continues to squeezes Sams butt "fuck baby" Colby groans pulling away Sam turns around so his back is against Colbys back he grinds his butt down on Colbys dick moaning softly Colby groans wrapping his hand around Sams throat as with his other hand he explores Sams body gripping onto his inner thighs "Colby" Sam pants "fuck your noises is so hot" Colby says "Colbs I'm ready" sam says pulling away "are you sure" Colby ask "yes" Sam says "okay we'll do it soon baby" "I'm excited but scared" Sam says "it's okay baby it's okay to feel like that don't worry I'll be gentle" Colby says Sam smiles and nods pecking Colbys lip.


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