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Later that day both couples where still asleep until Sam woke up crying "ah!" Sam cries out Colby shoots up from bed "baby! You okay" Colby ask as he sees Sam crying "Colbs! It hurts" "what hurts baby I need you to tell me what hurts" "my lower back!" Sam screams sobbing "was it form last night did I go to hard was it something I need did I effect your body the baby!" Colby rambles scared shitless "no I don't think it's you I think it's the pregnancy symptoms it's lower back pain" Sam says "but don't you think me going to hard last night probably is another reason" Colby ask "yeah p-probably" Sam sobs "what can I do baby" Colby says "could you please turn on the shower" Sam says "of course baby" Colby says he presses a kiss to his forehead before getting up going to the bathroom turning on the shower moving it so it turns warm Colby walks back out to the room "baby it's done" Sam nods reaching his hands out "carry me there" Sam whines as he holds onto his lower back "anything for you" Colby says carrying him laying him down on the couch bed (from chapter 2^) "here I'll help you" Colby says as he takes Sams panties off then helps him up Sam slowly stands up limping to the shower he gets in laying down on the floor as it always help him when he back problems Colby smiles softly "I'll be back yell at for me if you need me" Colby says Sam nods as he looks up at the ceiling Colby going downstairs getting a bowl filling it up with some of Sams favorite fruits he grabs a glass of cup filling it up with some orange juice "Colby! My man!" Jake says coming into the kitchen "Webber what's up" "well I couldn't sleep last night" he say winking at Colby causing him to chuckle "oh hush" Colby says grabs the bowl and the glass "see you later" "like wise" Jake says Colby hums going upstairs "baby" Colby says walking inside Sam hums looking over "aw! Colbs" Sam coos Colby chuckles setting the bowl down "I'm assuming your feeling a little better" Colby ask "actually yes" Sam says getting up he steps out of shower butt naked laying down on the couch bed "holy shit! You look hot like that" Colby says making Sam giggle can you grab me panties "course" Colby says as he hands him the bowl and the cup he gets up going to Sams drawer grabbing a pair of lace panties "so I have something to tell you" Colby says walking into the bathroom "what is it?" Sam ask as Colby sits down in front of him "well I've been thinking for awhile to book us a trip..." Colby trails off as he slips on Sams panties on him "really!" Sam squeals "yes, but where leaving tonight" "ah! What time!" Sam exclaims "in a hour" "Colbs! Why didn't you tell me" Sam says getting up "because you were crying and I was worried" Sam coos kissing Colbys cheek "your cute but we gotta pack" Sam says running to his closet pulling out a suitcase Colby chuckles doing the same as well.
Once there all done packing Colby gets up "baby change your still in your panties" Colby says "ah! Okay, hey you too" Sam says Colby nods changing into a pair of jeans and hoodie Sam goes to his closet grabbing a red plaid skirt and a red shirt to match with it once's he changes he slips on his socks and his white slip on vans "okay done!" Sam says Colby nods and grabs both suitcase "are you sure you're ready" "yeah" Sam says standing up "alright let's go" Colby says Sam nods following Colby done the stairs they see everyone there "oh hey guys!" Sam says "I know you'll only be gone for a week or so but have fun" Louis says "not to much fun" Tara mumble "Tara!" Sam squeak making everyone laugh "oh hush you guys" "oh Colby!" Kat fake moans "Katrina shut it!" Sam says as his face flush red "no wonder why he's limping" Aryia says making Sam whine "Colby went to hard" Harry says Sam whines more not liking the tease he looks up at Colby "okay okay! Enough let's go baby" "daddy!" They all say making Sam whine tears prick his eyes leaving the house getting into the car "wow guys thanks a lot" "oh shit, tell him where sorry" one says Colby nods "be good and don't fuck up the house" "oh don't worry you have our word especially with Louis and the girls" Harry says "hey!" They all say slapping his back "ow! Okay okay" Colby chuckles leaving he puts the suitcase in the trunk closing jt afterwards he gets in the car and sees Sam softly crying "baby" Colby sighs "hm" sam hums not looking away from the window "baby please look at me" Colby says placing a hand on Sams thigh "I-I don't like i-it" sam stutters still not looking at Colby "baby" he sighs grabbing Sams chin gently making him face him "I know you don't like I know you don't but don't worry I talked to them already once you left let's just enjoy this trip while we can" Sam nods as tears spill out more "don't cry baby no more crying" Sam let's out a sob Colby sighs unbuckling Sams belt bring him onto his lap Sam wraps his arms around Colby shoving his face into his neck Colby kisses his shoulder softly he strays the car driving off not caring if his baby is on his lap.
After 30 minutes of driving Colby looks down at Sam seeing him sleeping peacefully he smiles kissing his cheek and continues to drive as there almost at the airport.


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