
Start from the beginning

"Oh, come on..." she laughed for a second until it dissipated from not being returned by the latter.

Big e/c eyes went back to his crystal colored stare.

 "I'm serious."

They stood in place, bathing in silence. Gojo Satoru loathed that word, when she spoke of herself using it.

 If she wanted to get past any of this, it had to end.

Y/n watched as the sorcerer pulled the sleeves of his black sweater before grabbing the jacket he had brought by hours ago. He shrugged it on, looking to y/n as he did so.

"I want to show you something."

"What are-"

"Grab your jacket." He paused. "Please."

Y/n obliged, slowly pulling her thick f/c cardigan onto her shoulders. 

Satoru then reached out to her, hand open, beckoning. She paused for a moment before accepting the warm invitation.

The sorcerer did his best to ignore the way his heart began to thump wildly at the feeling of her touch. He closed his eyes, praying this would do her right. To do both of them right...

"Satoru..." y/n nudged, grounding him back to reality.

 Gojo did not wait another second longer. With no motion at all, he transported them with a specific place in mind in the blink of a crystal blue eye.

 A abnormally fresh gust of evening wind immediately rustled through their hair, making y/n perk up in confusion. She willed herself to take in their surroundings, trying to not let the supernatural occurrence startle her too much. 

The woman gasped, her wide gaze quickly directing downwards at the lit up city below. Way below. The more she scanned around her, the more nervous she grew. It was clear they were close to the edge of a skyscraper of some sort...

 But there was no gate holding them in. 

Y/n nervously swiveled her head in search of Satoru, who was standing by her side. The woman backed up, huddling close to his torso- in awe and fear. His arm reeled in surprise at the contact, his eyes wide in shock.

After a moment, he worked it up within himself to slowly but surely lower his arm around her shoulders. He gently held back onto her. With more assurance, he thumbed her smaller frame, trying to build her spirit.

"You're alright," he whispered, looking ahead. With a small nudge, he motioned outwards. "Look."

Y/n uncovered her face from hiding, inching closer to the edge with Satoru as her aid. She forced her eyes open, mustering up the courage to look back down.

The waning sun was close to  nearly being completely set yet Tokyo looked as lively as ever, neon and warm lights blended and merged together, attracting newcomers and locals alike. Vendors had began to pack their things after another day of selling, politely nodding to passersby.

The sky was a transitioning hue of blue, purple and oranges, showcasing the refreshing sense of progression and change y/n had longed for back in the country she used to call home.

It was beautiful.

Everything she had dreamed it would be.

 Out of the corner of his eye, Gojo watched as his goddess' eyes lit up, a childlike smile beginning to appear on her soft lips. 

"It's amazing..." she murmured. The wind carried her voice away, making the sorcerer crane his neck to hear.

"It is," he replied, though his eyes stayed on her. "It really is."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 (𝓖𝓸𝓳𝓸 𝔁 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻)Where stories live. Discover now