"Doc! You made it!" Sun Mei said.

"Hey, look who I found." Doc said.

"Sun Mei!" I called giving her a hug.

"Karma. 10K." She gave her hellos.

"Yeah, we all made it." Doc said.

"What happened to you?" She asked, cupping his face.

"Oh, 10K thought I was some kinda Gandalf zombie and he coldcocked me." Doc explained.

"Gandalf?" 10k asked.

"Lord of the Rings, Gandalf? You know, long hair? Pointy beard?" Doc explained.

"History was never my best subject." 10k said.

"Yeah, I know, kid. That's what gives me hope for the future. Chance to start over from scratch. Cricket? What, it's protein." Doc shrugged.


"We have no information regarding its whereabouts or its position. What we do know is that the convoy is overdue. It's possible they're lost or have run into mechanical difficulties. This, however, does not change our objective or our time frame." The soldier explained.

"You've been telling us to be patient, to stand by, to stay put. But what if this convoy isn't coming? Then we're staying put, wasting our resources that we could be-" A man started to speak.

"-I understand your frustration." The soldier interrupted.

"How can you? We've survived this long by moving, hiding, trusting only ourselves. Now you want us to trust you. But here, out in the open, exposed to the elements, we're sitting zombie bait." The man said.

"We don't have a choice. Now we can sit and complain about the state of things or we can be proactive and find a solution. And that's what I intend to do. The convoy was headed down this road. Based on our last contact, it would have to be between here and here." The soldier said, pointing between two places on a map.

"That's almost ten miles." The man said shocked.

"It is what it is. The convoy has munitions and supplies necessary to feed and protect us on our trek North. Without it, we are at a severe disadvantage. I am calling upon two able-bodied volunteers to join myself Sergeant Czarnecki, and Private Lilly on a search party to track down the convoy and help lead it to camp. It's dangerous, but not acting is more dangerous." He said.

"We'll go." Tommy and Doc perked up.

"No babe" I protested quietly

"It's okay. I'll be back. I promise." He said.

"I'll see to it. Well I ain't got nothing else to do." Doc said.

"I'll go too." I said before anyone could reject the idea.

"Good. Leave in 10. The rest of you need to rotate standing guard until we return. Sergeant Czarnecki will give you ammunition if you need it." The soldier said. 

"Why would you do that?" Tommy pulled me aside.

"Because after everything we've been through, if we're going to lose each other, it's going to be right beside each other. If we die, right beside each other." I said sternly. "Fight together, Die together." I said.

"Fight together, Die together" He kissed me before we went to gather our things.


We pulled up to the convoy. The trucks were all lined up but they were turned off and there was nobody around. Not even inside the vehicles.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now