Chapter 25: Escape

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 We ended up doing a Disney World escape room since it's the biggest one they had and I'm rich.

 The prompt is that we fell asleep during a show and woke up at Country Bear Jamboree.

 We're now in an auditorium with animatronics on the stage doing nothing.

 We go 'outside' and start looking for the six keys we need to find.

 Our first challenge is the Haunted Mansion.

 "Oh, this has got to be good. You hate haunted houses." I tell Danni.

 "You're supposed to protect me, not scare me."

 "You'll be fine. Maybe."

 She hits my shoulder and starts walking away.

 We get there and the lady on the loudspeaker starts talking.

 "Good evening, mortals. Welcome to the Haunted Mansion. If you wish to escape your fate of being trapped in the mansion forever, you will need a four-digit code to unlock the door.

 "To find the code, you will need to solve the riddles of each portrait. When you correctly guess a riddle, you will be given a number for the code. Be careful, if you guess incorrectly you will be given an incorrect number.

 "No rush, we have eternity. You may also want to write these things down. Good luck!"

 "Well let's get started then shall we?" Danni says.

 We solve all the riddles to get the code, which was correct.

 We escaped and got Dole whip. I don't what it's for but we have it.

 Our next challenge is Pirates of the Caribbean.

 For this one, we have to find nine letters and unscramble them to make a phrase.

 "Look for the letters. Quickly." She tells me and starts looking.

 "You're being bossy. It's kinda hot."

 "Just look for the damn letters."

 "On it." I'm not about to get in trouble on our first date.

 We got the letters, S H E A D G K Y O.

 It's a three-word phrase.

 "Don't distract me. Your spelling skills are pretty shitty." Danni says.

 I'm gonna figure it out before her and prove her wrong.

 Unfortunately, she figured it out before me.

 "That wasn't too hard." She says.

 The next item we got was a pressed coin. I get the advantage of holding all of our items. Mainly because Danni is too lazy and I am, as she puts it, 'her bitch.'

 I'm not but she can keep thinking that.

 Well, maybe I am...

 The next challenge is Splash Mountain, which I love that ride. We went on it the second time we went to Disney while we were in Florida.

 Danni was wearing a white shirt and got soaked so I gave her mine and I bought a new one.

 Ahh, memories.

 Anyways for this challenge, we have to "ride" the ride and then take a test.

 "Dude, I'm gonna fail this one," I tell her.

 "I know, but I won't. Hop in, it'll be fun."

 I didn't pay attention to what I should've been paying attention to. Luckily, Danni was so we were able to pass that test.

 Our reward was a Stitch plush and Danni says she wants to keep it.

 I told her we can't but I'm gonna steal it for her anyways.

 The next challenge was locked so we have to do challenge five which is the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.

 We had to match the jewels with the letters. We were right, obviously. We got two ear hats as a reward.

 "We're pretty good at this, huh?" I tell her.

 "I'm good at this, you're just here to look pretty." She pats my cheek.

 "I can live with that." I shrug.

 For this one, we have to do a correlation maze. We have to figure out similarities and patterns between the characters and hopefully we go the right way.

 I wouldn't have ever guessed the correct answers. It took Danni a while to figure out, but she got it.

 "That hurt my brain. I just couldn't figure out the pattern between the two of them."

 Last but not least, It's a Small World.

 This one the Cheshire Cat followed us and wanted to play Hide n Seek. I'm good at this game so it's my time to shine.

 I found him all five times so I'm pretty proud of myself.

 There was a surprise final lock for that one we just had to use the items to spell out a word.

 We completed the escape room in two and a half hours.

 "You guys did that incredibly quickly. Our record right now, for that room, is four hours and you did that in about half their time. Can we have your names put on our Hall of Fame?" The worker says to us.

 "Daniella Delgado." Danni says.

 "Zak Lombardi." I say.

 "Do you guys want a picture?"



I got inspiration from an escape room I did online at some point.

I wish I still had the link to share it with you guys but it was quite some time ago.

It was fun though and I thought it was cool.

862 words.

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