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Zak Lombardi

 "Lombardi, we need to talk." My coach calls me to talk in his office.

 "What's up Coach?"

 "I'll tell you what's not up, your grades. If you want to continue playing this season, you better get those grades up."

 "But I need to play this year so I can be captain next season."

 "Well then put your education first. Listen if I had the choice, I'd let you play even if you were failing but it's the principal's choice, not mine. Therefore get those grades up because you're an insanely good player and we can't lose you."

 "Got it, coach," I say leaving his office.

 How am I supposed to get my grades up when I can't even concentrate.

 I could hire a tutor, with the allowance I get from my parents.

 There's no doubt that my parents will pay for it. They normally just give me money thinking that it's good parenting. They never do anything for me.


 They're always away on business trips. Which is fine but it gets lonely especially when you're an only child.

 Normally I'll invite a few friends over and we'll play video games on the weekend but that gets boring very quickly.

 That's a reason why I do football so that I can make friends. Even though we're not blood-related, we're like a family.

 We most certainly act like brothers with the way we make fun of each other.

 "What'd coach wanna talk about?" Caleb Banks, my best friend, asks as we make our way to our first-period class.

 "My grades and how shitty they are," I respond.

 "Y'know, I could always help."

 "You? Help? Academically? Yeah right."

 "Hey! I'm smart enough to be your tutor."

 "You keep thinking that buddy."


So that was the prologue.
What do we think?

It was very quick I know but the first few ish chapters are pretty short.

The ones after get quite a bit longer.

Here are my socials.
Tiktok- @samisgreap
Instagram- @daniella.cade.delgado

290 words

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