Chapter 18: Drive-In

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Unfortunately, our Thanksgiving break is over meaning we have to head back up to Jersey today.

Danni's mom said she would drive the whole way. Danni and I got the back while Lucas and her mom got the front.

As soon as we were in the car Danni fell asleep and I was right there with her.

We slept for pretty much the whole eighteen hours. Lucas took a picture of us and I had him send it to me.

"Are you two dating?" He asks.

"No," I answer.

"It sure seems like it."

"Well, I like her and I know she likes me she's just not ready for a relationship yet."

"Why not?"

"Personal reasons."

"You can tell me. I'm her brother."

"It's not my story to tell. I'm sure she'll tell you eventually."

He sighs.

"She'll tell you when she's ready. Just don't push it." I say repeating the words Callum said to me. 



They drop me off at home first.

"Bye, thanks for inviting me. See you on Monday, Danni."

"Mhm." She says with her eyes closed.

I walk back into my house and see my parents sitting on the couch.

"You guys are still here?"

"We have to leave in a little less than an hour. Did you have fun?" My mom asks.

"I did."

"I don't like that girl, Zak."

"You don't like her because she was right and you were wrong."

"I don't like her because she's disrespectful."

"Don't even start with that. The only person who was being disrespectful in that conversation was you making assumptions about her and her family."

"Tom, help me out here." She turns to my dad. He's just sitting on his phone and not paying attention to the conversation.

"Listen to your mother, Zak."

I just ignore his comment since he ignores me all the time.

"We want you to be happy Zak,"

"I am happy."

"Just not with her."

"You don't get to control who I'm friends with. Your authority over me was gone the minute you walked out leaving a five-year-old home alone. I used to think it was just because you needed to make money so I could grow up well. But now I realized that you weren't there for the majority of my childhood. Mrs. Lord was. She went to school functions. She went to my graduation. She came to watch my football games. Not you. She was more of a mother than you ever were." 

I go upstairs to my room and just lay in my bed thinking.

A while goes by and I hear the door shut. Assuming they left I go to get a glass of water.

I was kinda hoping that they stayed but I noticed they were both gone once I got to the bottom of the stairs.

My phone starts vibrating and I see that Danni is trying to facetime me.

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