Chapter 5: Bad Memories

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 It's Friday today. Meaning our second session is taking place right now.

 Neither of us have practices on Fridays which is great since I don't have to skip doing what I love for him.

 The only times we'll have to do Saturday afternoon sessions are on Friday Night Lights days.

 Friday Night Lights is where we travel to away games for football since we don't have lights on our field. Anyways, we travel to away football games and since the games are pretty far we have to leave early so we can get there on time. So for away games, we wouldn't have time to study so we save for Saturday afternoon sessions.

 I get to the media center and he's already there.

 "Hey, stranger." I greet him.

 "Hey" He replies once he looks up from his phone and then he looks back down immediately.

 "I was looking through your grades and I think your next best bet is to make English an even higher A and then get art from a C to an A considering it's the closest with a 79."

 "Sounds good."

 "Next session we're going to do Spanish. I don't understand how you have such a low grade in that class. I've never taken it at this school but when I took it in middle school I was at the top of my class."

 "That's great."

 I look up to see him playing on his phone. Of course.

 "I decided I'm just going to let you figure this stuff out on your own." I threaten.

 "Mhm." And he's not listening. If he doesn't want my help I won't give it to him. I get up and he hasn't noticed movement so I end up going to the vending machines to grab a snack and water.

 When I come back I plug my headphones in and start working on my own work getting even farther ahead which is great. So hopefully I'll be able to visit my sister this Thanksgiving break. If I'm ahead and I make enough money from my babysitting job, I'll be able to go for two weeks.

 With the way gas prices have been going up so quickly, I'm bound to run out of money by the time I get to Alabama. Since I only have my permit and I'll be driving out of state, my mother has to come with me but I don't care I love spending time with my mother. She's like my best friend and I'm lucky I have her.

 I pause mid-work to throw out my garbage and when I come back Zak is looking at my unlocked phone like he owns it.

 "What're you doing?" I question him.

 "My name is just Lombardi on your phone?" I nod. "That's so boring. I'm changing it. Also who is Callum and why does he get a caterpillar and green heart by his name?"

 "Because the caterpillar reminds me of him and the green heart is our thing."

 "Who is he?"

 "My best friend."

 "I thought I was your best friend."

 "Yeah, okay." I scoff and sit down across from him.

 "Rude. How do you know him?" He leans over, placing his elbows on the table.

 "Our parents went to high school together and we grew up together."

 "Oh that's cool, does he go here?"



 "Yeah, moving on I don't know if you were listening to me when I came in here or not but in case you weren't I said we're starting with getting your English grade to an even higher A and then hopefully art to an A considering it's a 79 and closer to an A than most of your classes."

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