Chapter 38: Senior Year

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The first day of senior year is tomorrow.

"I'm actually really nervous, Zak. I can't sleep." I tell Zak over facetime.

"Danni, it's senior year. You already finished all your academic requirements. All you have to do is relax and enjoy your last year of high school. And hey, both of our last periods are study hall again, so we can leave after the seventh period anyways."

"I'm still nervous. We're almost done and then we graduate and go to college. That's so scary to me."

"Don't worry about college right now. You already got accepted into all of your top five schools. You're set, Princess."


"Huh?" He says while yawning.

"Are you excited for your first game Friday?"

"Very." He says with tiredness in his voice.

"You're captain this year!"

"You are too."

"I'm so excited to watch you guys win on Friday."

There's something about Friday Night Lights. It just gets you in the mood.

"I hope we do."

"I think you will, no scratch that. I know you will."

"Thanks, Princess."

  "I love you."

"I love you too."

"You're picking me up tomorrow morning, yeah?"


"Can we do matching outfits?"

He stays quiet.

I'll take that as a no.

"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow morning, Love."

I hear small snores on the other end of the phone.

I smile.

He's such a cutie.

I eventually drift off to sleep, leaving the phone on.


I wake up to Zak's alarm through my phone.

I check the time and see that it's three in the morning. That's weird, school doesn't start until eight.

"Zak?" I talk into my phone. "Why're you awake?"

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, Danni. I didn't mean to wake you. I'm headed to the gym for two hours. Go back to sleep. I'll call you when I'm at your house to pick you up. I love you."

"Okay, I love you too."

I try going back to bed after he hangs up, but I can't so I get ready and then end up reading a new book.

At around six thirty, I wake Lucas up as well. It's his first day as a Freshman in high school.

"Wake up Little Brother! It's your first day of high school. Are you excited?"


"Come on. Just get dressed."

"I am."

"You're wearing pajama pants."


"Alright, whatever. Zak will be here in like fifteen minutes."

"We have to get Olivia too. Don't forget that."

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